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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Heel hard "SANDER" roepen helpt misschien? Raar dat je geen antwoord hebt gehad. Laatste keer dat ik support sprak waren ze bijna "bij" met de support tickets. (Note, info@ mailen is niet de juiste weg, die duren langer omdat ze doorgezet moeten worden. Het support systeem waar je vanuit de website op komt is het snelste) Wel knap dat je er eentje stuk hebt gekregen. Ben benieuwed hoe je dat gedaan hebt. Bij Protospace liggen er waarschijnlijk ook nog wel. Maar ik heb geen idee waar je in NL zit. Jammer is dat dit van de kleine "het opsturen is het duurste" onderdelen zijn.
  2. We have one of these at the office now. However, the SDK is incompattible with the way Cura is build. So no luck there...
  3. I've found and fix the bug (and feel a bit stupid now), a new version is online!
  4. Looks like this bug can still happen, on it right now!
  5. I made a mistake and put the wrong firmware initially in the download. If the download if from before 13:30 dutch time, you should download it again. I hoped nobody grabbed the wrong version, but I guess I was wrong.
  6. Cura 14.01 is out today, with new firmware that fixes the abort print issue. It also puts the head slightly more to the back when leveling so it's no longer hitting the clip on some machines. http://software.ultimaker.com/
  7. Sometimes it helps to make sure you have DirectX and your latest video card drivers installed.
  8. In theory, yes. But, is that something that should be in Cura? I'm not yet sure.
  9. JST is the name of the white connectors. Note, there is still room on the 1.5.7 board for the older large connectors, so you could also remove the white connectors from the 1.5.7 board and solder in the bigger green connectors. (1.5.3 electronics is quite rare, I've only seen a handful machines with electronics that old)
  10. I had quite some problems trying to source these myself before I worked at Ultimaker. But then someone told me you should look for "ISO 7380" as that's the standard used for the screw. Made it much easier to find them in build for the cheap in Europe.
  11. Yes, this is a known issue. The problem also happens with delta-bots which start in the center of the bed instead of the corner. Still need to fix it.
  12. We're not sitting still. I have to agree that Makerbot is moving quite fast. But, look at it really well. What news do they bring on the table? A "smaller" printer (UM sized? with 100x100x100 printer volume?) WebCam and Network, yes, bit new, but people have been doing this with OctoPrint. And, we're also not sitting still on this area. Swappable magnetic printer head, sure I've seen that one, not sure on what machine. UP! maybe? Or was it the Builder... Oh, and their new hotend looks a lot like an E3D on first inspection, or not? A "bigger" printer, which is not actually that big. Most likely as big as they could go X/Y wise without changing the gantry. Their 3D scanner is crap (seriously, I think I could do better with my eyes closed) Also, none of this is actually released. It's only announced. And none of it is actually really revolutionary. Pretty much what you would expect for a normal development line. (Nothing from our "omg, this would be really cool" development list is on their feature list. Which, off all things, includes a gigantic robotic spider) EDIT: HIPS is silly. I hope to push our water-soluble material soon. Pretty much prints as PLA, and only needs water to remove. It's like PVA without all the bad properties.
  13. CuraEngine usually does not run out of memory (I've seen it use 700MB tops, while it can use 3GB max) However, the current release contains a rare bug that can be triggered by the geometry of the model. Try scaling it by 1% up or down. Or rotating the model a bit, that might work around the bug. I have a fix lined up for the next release, most likely out tomorrow.
  14. I do not know if there is some BFB community out there, but maybe you can reach out to someone who can help in getting BFB support in Cura. Or someone in the Netherlands who can give me access to one. I'm quite willing to add support for BFB machine, it took a quick look and it is a bit complex. But in honor of Jonathan and KISSlicer I'm willing to invest time for this.
  15. Johnathan from KISSlicer started KISSlicer because of the lack of support from bfb for his older machine. I have no idea what is happened to him, but I'm pretty sure he did not disappeared easy. I think he might got overwhelmed by something personal. Note, I could not have made the CuraEngine without his help. But, bad news from me. Cura is build around "5D" printing, which the BFB firmware does not support.
  16. The games-workshop paint does. But it's very expensive.
  17. This. As far as I know, PLA slowly dissolves inside a body, which is why it is used for medical goals. However, this would mean any additives would be left behind. I would not recommend it, as I would also expect problems really getting stuff sterile.
  18. That's in the pipeline, it's not that difficult, but I need to restructure a bit of code for it.
  19. Spiralize contains a bug if comes across multiple islands. I've fixed it for the next release, so that might be your troublemaker here.
  20. Yes, you can run Cura as console program, if you give it a stl file, ini file for settings, and output filename.
  21. Uhm, yes, the M0 command is not properly implemented on the UM2...
  22. The motors are now powered off after a print is finished in the next update.
  23. The XY distance from object secretly also effects an internal setting which expands the supports before removing anything that is too close to the object. Which is why you see expanding support material when you lower the XY distance.
  24. The TITAN does not work right. I messed up the Z stage, and I'm not that happy with the material feeder.
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