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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Working on it right now. Will be in the 14.02-RC2
  2. It's a bug in 14.01 related to the fix-horrible type A, it's in the expert settings. Disabling works around the bug.
  3. It is a GUI issue, this could be done quite easy in the engine. But currently I have no proper GUI elements to put this in place and still keep the GUI a bit easy. There are tons of things people want to differently on both extruders. (A plugin would be a nice workaround right now)
  4. OH man, I hate this stupid forum's URL handling. It always does this... thanks for the quick fix drayson.
  5. Bug in the latest release. I have a fix on the shelve, will be in the next release. I have a few small Cura bugs to fixed, then I'll go into the UM2 firmware to fix some things there. I'll pack the 14.02-RC2 with a newer firmware.
  6. Actually. That's bad. The prisoners are used a very low payed labor. Nearing slavery. Which gives people who run the prison no incentive to prevent people from landing in prison again. It actually is profitable for them to keep as much people in prison for as long as possible, as they are making a profit from the prisoners labor.
  7. There is an 14.02-RC1 at http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/%20which%20has%20an%20extra%20configuration%20setting%20for%20the%20support%20angle,%20adjusting%20this%20one%20generates%20more%20or%20less%20support.%20Might%20help. Still, Cura's support material sucks. I know it.
  8. Ah, yes, simple bug, simple fix. Workaround is to move objects slightly. Working towards a release soon, so this fix will be in the next release candidate. Which I will put on the forums for testing soon.
  9. The extruder is a "bad naming", people should stop using the name extruder. As the extruder is both the hotend and the feeder in 1. On an Ultimaker, the material feed is done from the back of the machine, with the motor on the casing. Trough a tube, to the hotend. On lots of other machines, this feeder is on the head, making the head heavy, causing the problems you describe. Lowering the acceleration to 1000 would be a good idea then.
  10. I can guarantee that it's the first thing we did. We also got way more watchful for strangers. The police also told us the next door neighbours have had some regular break-ins. And we have seen some odd people in a white van driving up our one-way street at night. So those might be linked. (We usually spend the Tuesdays evenings working on hobby projects at the office)
  11. Already in the "possible features list". It's a bit of a problem to make a good GUI for it, especially because the current GUI code is a mess.
  12. Well, then, what do you like more? A company that makes closed source products, only supports their own goals. And abandoned old products. Or A company that makes open source products, supports development that helps not only their own printer, but a lot more printers (Marlin, Cura). And still supports their old products.
  13. The fix horrible settings do nothing with retraction. But retraction should show up as small upwards blue lines in the layer view. For retraction the retraction check needs to be on in the basic settings. So make sure that is checked. While it should be obvious, I have had people missing that checkmark that came from older versions. I also have an 14.02-RC1 out for testing: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/, as this no longer uses the webcam in the print window, you might want to try that.
  14. Yes, but that's mostly to increase readability of the GCode. There is no technical reason to do so right now.
  15. We're in the process of hiring an extra developer. As he is very Linux minded, I'm sure the Cura Linux support will improve because of this. But I have no idea if we will run our own apt server, as I have no idea how much work that is.
  16. Note that I'm slowly working with a debian maintainer to get Cura into the debian repositories. But there is a lot of shit that I did which does conflict with the "debian way". We've been slowly correcting this. I will also build 32 and 64 bit packages of Cura for the next release. (The universal package was giving issues, which is why 14.01 does not have an online package anymore)
  17. Does not say anything, yet. But there is also one of 1200E on there, which is way more suspicious then 1700E
  18. One of the reasons the code is as it is, is because it was derived from grbl. Which had only 1 acceleration setting for all axis. Also, you need a coupling between X/Y and E for printing. As you want a certain amount of material evenly spread over a line. What you want, is retraction/prime independent of X/Y. A way to properly implement that would be to make a difference between G1 and G0, where G1 has the axis coupled, and G0 not.
  19. Then you're getting exactly what I would expect. But I am kinda wondering why I coded the M92 like that...
  20. With the move-material you should be able to move in both directions. Also, if the estimate says 6 hours, do not trust it. It usually shows that if something goes wrong with the internal math.
  21. Only commenting on my area of work at Ultimaker. Which is Cura and the UM2 firmware. 4 - The move material problems are fixed for the upcomming release. The time estimate is a difficult problem, but with the better estimate inside of Cura (as of 14.01) the estimate on the machine should be improved. However, there is still an open bug in the time estimate on the UM2 that I have not found and fixed yet. Abort printing should work in 14.01, I have not had reports of problems with it after that release. 5 - It's against all recommendations to do this. You can. But remember that the USB connection will be unreliable. To enable it you need to change the "GCode flavor" in the machine settings from "UltiGCode" to "RepRap" in Cura. This will enable the USB printing features. Note that it's not something I recommend on the UM2. We opted not to follow this path anymore due to the large amounts of problems we've seen on it on the UM-Origonal.
  22. In the GCode the "E" value controls the extruder. I have no idea why you would see a difference in 13.12 and 14.01, except for different settings. The engine has not really changed in this area.
  23. (Cross post from google group, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ultimaker/onoGspTCwjs ) The USB printing interface has been a bit of a pain in the ass for me. I've neglected it for quite a while, it does not really fit basic use, or expert use. So I've worked a bit on it. First, I've created a "basic printing window", which is a very simple window. It's just a few buttons to connect, print, cancel and a progress bar. I figured this would suit the basic user that just wants to print. It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/lSEV37L.png So... that's quite basic. And won't suit the more advanced users. So I'm introducing the printer window plugins. With printer window plugins, you can customize the window just the way you want it. I've made an initial example build from the Pronterface UI: https://github.com/daid/Cura/tree/SteamEngine/plugins/PronterfaceUI It consists out of 2 images and a script file. The first image, "image.png" https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/plugins/PronterfaceUI/image.png , is how the window looks. So you can draw anything you want on here. It's just visual. The second image, "map.png" https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/plugins/PronterfaceUI/map.png , is where all the buttons and actions are located. Each button has it's own color. Finally, the script, https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/plugins/PronterfaceUI/script.py , ties everything together. It tells Cura what each color does. So, if you want to add a button that turn on the fan. You can draw it on the map.png, add a: addButton(R, G, B, 'Fan ON', sendGCode, "M106") To the script, and you have a fan button. Now, my initial Pronterface inspired window most likely isn't as good as it can be. But I'm sure someone will pick it up and make something wonderful. (I'm still finishing the code, the windows work, but I still need to add proper preferences to select the window to use)
  24. The problem is that the path is wrong for the -m Cura.cura Cura does: "$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" -c "import os; os.chdir(\"$INSTDIR\"); import Cura.cura; Cura.cura.main()" "%1"
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