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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Except that sander is away for a show. So he might respond slower then the usual support channel. Anyhow, we do not look at order date, we look at payment date. Putting in an order and not paying it for a few weeks does not suddenly put someone at the front.
  2. With $fn it's going to be slow, never use that unless you want an exact number of facets (like 6 sided holes for nuts) With $fn=100 on a 3mm hole you're adding 100 faces for a 3mm hole, that's just silly, no wonder it's slow. $fs=0.4 gives faces that are max 0.4mm long, which is about the resolution the Ultimaker can get, when you use it you'll never see the polygons in your print. $fa=5 is to prevent very large circles from having too many faces.
  3. When I use openSCAD I usually have a "$fs=0.4; $fa=5;" at the top, which I comment out while quick rendering, and only enable when I build the final model. This increases circle persision. Also, OpenSCAD has the tricked OpenCSG rendering, which uses rendering tricks to draw the result. You might want to take a look at my TITAN OpenSCAD code, it contains quite a few tricks: https://github.com/daid/TITAN
  4. 14.02-TEST has broken plugin support, so no need to try that.
  5. Disrupting the normal production & packing process would actually make it more expensive then shipping a controller with the wooden bits. (Also, the UltiController lasercut files are released under non-commercial license, so selling them is not really allowed by the license. However, I do not think the volumes you are doing is a problem)
  6. Because it requires pretty specific conditions, next to the mentioned and edited out above.
  7. FYI: Sketchup can export DAE which Cura can load. Usually works better then the STL exporters.
  8. If you replace the teflon piece by something that resists a higher temperature, then you can print a lot hotter. I've left an UM2 running at 100% heater power for an extended period, the only damage was that the bottom black head piece was deformed, and the teflon was damaged. Note that you are outside normal specs. So I cannot guarantee anything. But it should be pretty safe when you replace the teflon.
  9. Material->settings->customize->temperature. Adjust it there and it will save.
  10. Do not use SketchUp. It has a huge tendency to generate rubbish for 3D printing. Internal faces, none-closed meshes. DesignsparkMechanical is sort of a SketchUp, but on a solid modeling level instead of a polygon level. Works awesome. (As for curves in OpenSCAD. Doing boolean operations on curved surfaces is still an open math problem as far as I know)
  11. Yeah, there is a bug in the "level cleared" detection code. That's how much time I spend on it ;-) I kinda made it to test the graphic LCD routines I created. So little harm done there timewise.
  12. "Following formation, the object is placed in an alkaline bath to dissolve the support structure" So just not using an alkaline bath, no patent problems. Which is why PVA like material are an option.
  13. UM2 firmware: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin UM-Orginal firmware: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Marlin (Versions used in Cura)
  14. It's real. It's in the firmware on every UM2 in the wild.
  15. I had some issues with the 14.01 linux build, so I removed it (it could remove your python install, due to 32/64 bit differences) There is a 13.12 build on the download page. I've received patches to fix the build, so the next release will have proper 32 and 64bit linux package.
  16. I've put it on the internal issue list for the UM2 firmware.
  17. Actually, 0.02 just prevents massive amount of retraction on very small islands. For example, the Eiffel-tower has lots of tiny pillars, the 0.02 prevents that the filament is totally grind down on this print, without preventing a lot of retraction. It will only retract on travel. However, during solid infills, it does travel from line to line, and do you want retractions there on every move?
  18. The buffer is 16 moves, but usually these moves are done before the head is cooled. On the UM-Original this was never a problem, but the UM-Original has more thermal mass in the head. I tried clearing the buffer, however, I ran into odd synchronization bugs. So I opted to leave the buffer alone on abort.
  19. Siert, one of the founders from Ultimaker, will be at the show. (That's all I know. Sorry) The reason for selling off the printers instead of shipping them to the next show is easy. Silly tax laws. When we shipped UM2 to the Makerfair, we had to pay import tax. We would have had to pay export tax to ship them back again. However, I do not think we'll be selling them there. There is quite a backlog, so would be unfair.
  20. It happens after a print is done, or more specificly, it refuses to do the move-material when the last action the printer did was a homing action. It's a bug, and I have a fix ready and waiting.
  21. 3D printing is 25 years old, but did not really take off before thanks to patents and limited availability of tech needed. STL was made for 3D printing. AMF has been made as a replacement, and the standard support curved surfaces. However, the AMF reader of Cura does not. STEP files support curved surfaces (but Cura cannot read those) What is generally done to get high resolution models is exporting it with many small facets for the curves. I usually use 0.4mm segment lengths. As for software. OpenSCAD would suit you. You can also look at DesignSpark-Mechanical, which does not have a huge learning curve, but is very powerful.
  22. No caps in Cura, only warnings.
  23. You image does not work. But maybe something messed up in the configuration, you can try resetting the profile to default settings to see if that resolves it.
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