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Everything posted by ian

  1. Get better soon Sander !!! have a nice relaxing weekend.. and remember sleep is often the best medicine !! :-) Ian :-)
  2. Hi Robert... I bought this stuff years ago and sometimes for a pritty penny.. I have a handful of museums that want my films and photos but they want me to donate them all.. so my investment gone and they get locked up in another dark box to be rediscovered in another 50 years. I am protecting my collection as best I can and have read a lot about preserving films but I really do hope to start making a small revenue from this collection and then reinvesting money in increasing the safety measures for these historical treasures... Ian :-)
  3. as promised.. i just pulled over the curtains so the the room is nice and dark.. the last two color frames show first Nehru... Gandhis number 2 and then the second color frame showes one of the two scenes with Gandhi :-) :-) :-)
  4. Sounds almost like their website is simply not working at the moment. I know they are trying to still solve problems with their shopping software. But ultimaker can still put together an invoice for you as a pdf document .. send it to your email and then you just have to transfer the funds from your bank account. I got this one time and it worked out perfect :-) Ian :-)
  5. ok guys if you want.. ill setup my projector tonight and try and make some photos.. or even better a little video clip ! :-) Ian :-)
  6. wonder has ultimaker changed something in their UM2 assemble.. because there quite a few new users that have received their printers recently and straight out of the box.... are suffereing from severe under extrusion...... :sad: I know my bad under extrusion only really started 3 or 4 weeks after i got my ultimaker.. same with a lot of other users.. The only way I can get a print out atleast as a usable part is printing very slow with a massive temprature of 260, you can actually hear the filament burning and crackling in the hotend.. anything less than 260 and massive under extusion, feeder motor skipping.... Ian
  7. can you copy and paste the exact error message you are getting ? I was given the bank details from ultimaker and was able to do a bank transfer. I wont give you the details because maybe ultimaker has changes their banking details in the last 2 years.. dont want you to loose your money :-) But they should be able to give you an invoice with bank details... like any normal company.... Ian
  8. The last Ultievening was about two weeks ago and sadly I missed it by a day... :-( But did ultimaker record it like all the others.. I really love watching the interesting presentations :-) Ian :-)
  9. Thanks ! no never saw that one ! Did you see the new American Documentary... World War Two in High Definition.. a nice part of the color film comes from me :smile: Another really funny thing is... I was going through some of my old color home movies and found one last night just titled India. I opened it and it was a private 16mm color home movie from a british priest visiting India in 1946. I never saw this film before and it was amazing.... color moving film of buses and cars and horses racing around each other on the busy streets of Calcutta.. then the film changed to a small farm with peasents. a small indian man approached the camera.. the little indian held a black british umbrella... it was Mahatma Gandhi..... :smile: :smile: :smile: my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw him approach in original color film before me..... amazing... :smile:
  10. this looks pritty good ? http://www.ktools.net/
  11. no problem ! when its finished I can publish it on my blog www.ultimaker2.com
  12. I asked one website development company how much they would charge to build something like this.. their offer was 40 thousand euros... I wonder would they accept the two pieces of chewing jum i have in my pocket and the 73 euros on my bank account ... ? ;-) LOL Before anyone asks... When I worked as a solidworks engineer in Ireland I really did earn very good money and instead of blasting my money away on women and drink..I decided to invest every cent in acquiring this very rare color film footage... Yes I am a very ... different person but it made sense at the time.... Now its time to use this resource... Ian :-)
  13. as always no work in work.. HAHA... so im doing a nice step by step guide on how to convert building models to 3d printable models... thats to help a friend :smile: And im reading a million pages today about setting up my own stock image website... oh god help me... google is just not good with this kind of question... soooo many adverts its crazy. I didnt think it would be such a big problem.. I am sitting on 24 thousand of the rarest color photos taking during the second world war. All I want to do is upload maybe 10,000 to start and use my freetime to writh descriptions and meta tagging. Then let the world come to me... I already have two big existing stock firms asking to take my collection from me on a harddisk and do all the work for me.. but for that little deal... ill be signing a contract for 20% and the big company keeps 80% of all revenue from my collection. This would not be a problem if I had a million baby photos... but I know a lot of media and publication companies are searching for this color war material now... Even big national archives that always just took donations are now activly shopping and paying big money for unpublished original material. Anyone ever setup a photo stock website ??? im getting a headache from googling.... uhhh Ian :smile:
  14. this is a really tricky print ! with a lot of retraction to get clean openings...but a lot of ultimaker1 and ultimaker2 users have printed this and created amazing prints... :-) I have a feeling you could be printing a little too hot ?? the print surface seems very bubbly... and you need full fans on ! Also can you show us a photo of the print surface of the green lady... what temp and speed did you print with ? im not crazy happy with what i can see for flow quality..... Ian :-)
  15. :-) i like it :-) can i ask.. why do you have a second fan positioned over the side.. blasting air down onto... nothing ? Ian :-)
  16. ahhhh very cool :-) when you have time... a few more photos showing it from the other side would be nice... I really like your idea ! Ian :-)
  17. can you take a photo of it plugged in and mounted with some PLA.. would love to see the final look :-) Ian :-)
  18. has the complete world forgotten one important fact... YOU CANT BRING IT WITH YOU.. how ever fat your wallet gets from selling your soul... heaven doesnt accept visa or mastercard ! ;-) The only thing we can do in life is work and create amazing things and make life better for people... but those ideas are fading awayyyy
  19. bingo... I think George hit the nail on the head... your printing black courtesy of your ABS feeder mechanism ! Ian :-)
  20. printing with a 3d printer is like riding a bike.. at the start tricky.... but then you dont have to think about it again.. Then the next step is printing things.. and the last step is when thats not enough... and start focusing on creating new things ! Its an interesting path in life.. Ian :-)
  21. welcome to the world of printing what you think ! ;-) Ian :-)
  22. good luck.... I break into a swet even when I hear the word.. dentist... LOL Its lovely and sunny here in east germany this morning. I love hearing the birds singing in the trees... :-) I was actually really happy with myself last night, I focused and did 5 hours of solidworks on my new feeder design.. Its coming on really good and I printed the first 6 parts of the assembly last night. So atleast that keeps my mind a little sharp and thinking.. :-) I saved my design as a STL and sent it to myself last night.. so atleast I can open it in Cinema in the office and work out the next steps of the design... release switch.. using flexable filament and only using two screws for fixing and the other two are kept so the motor is always attached... a nice idea from George :-) Last thing which was funny... driving through Leipzig yesterday after work.. 3 school children ran infront of me... i was alert and could break in time.. they said nothing and ran further... I wondered why they would run like crazy and so dangerous... they stopped 10 meters away and stood there like focused gentlemen... reading the opening hours of the local ice cream shop.... the important things in life ;-) LOL Ian :-)
  23. the online wiki is very good and pay good attention to the orientation of your parts when you assemble them ! Everything should click together nicely... Be extra careful about assenblying the wood parts of the hotend... there are two that are very delicate ! But... we are always here willing to help :-) Ian :-)
  24. very nice looking design ! :-) What are the specifics of the metal ball bearings ? They look massive. Also how do they stay in position ? is there some sort of attachment system between the plastic body and the ball bearings ? Ian :-)
  25. if you have an ultimaker2.. on the little screen. click maintinance. then advanced.. then there is an option to heat up the nozzle.. then just set the temp and the nozzle will rise to that temp. Ian :-)
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