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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I will be there to. How about we put this on meetup.com and make it an official Ultimaker community meet up? 'Ahhh... that's interesting. UM is showing off with something that needs tweaking the standard machine... :P' I am not sure if I like what you are implying here..
  2. Hi Korneel, Good to see you back, even in less then a month. The community love stays, doesn't it? I am not going to share the statistics (just yet), for multiple reasons. Right now I don't think it would give a proper representation as the forum is still new, people are finding there ways and as stated and acknowledged, some features/ UI are still missing. But also because I am not going to feed you or any others requested for the old forum with ammo to back up their claim to go back, or in an attempt to burn down this one. We are not going back to the old forum, period. I hope you can channel your energy in contributing in improving this forum so it also meets your requirements, thank you.
  3. It sure does, on top of your print head, around the bowden tube, under the white ring. If you have found an answer on your question, please select a 'best answer'. This will help future readers to find the right answer as fast as possible. Thank you!
  4. Hi Frederik, thank you for your post and pitching in on this thread dedicated to share your feedback and pitch in on how to optimize it for everyones needs. I would like to recommend to read through the last few pages to get an idea of what is already covered and what will happen in the upcoming time. Here is a post which gives you some specific information. I understand this change may be overwhelming and requires some getting used to, but please watch your tone of voice. Thank you.
  5. Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting You mean in the text editor or..? If you e.g. go to https://github.com/daid/Cura/commit/459bb1d2328e53ebfe34181ec4dc1d843ecca8d2 (a Cura commit by Daid) you can see that not the complete code is shown. The lines between line 50 and 60 and above 66 are not displayed. If you hover the mouse over the symbol with the two arrows up and down, it says 'expand'. If you click on it, the previously hidden content is displayed. That's what I mean. It just has to be for the displayed posts, not in the text editor. Would it be something that the poster enables, for a specific part of the text or is it something that automatically is implemented by larger texts?
  6. Hi Titus, thank you for your post and for continuing to stick with us! It is a hard question to answer without sounding either as a dick, or ignorant.. But I will have a go at it anyway, as I believe you should always be able to back up your decisions or actions. If you can't you shouldn't make them, or at the very least learn from them. We started this project a while back from a need that we wanted to work closer with the community, engage active, more constructive collaborations with you guys. (no, improving the forum was not 1 of them But in order to make this happen a few things needed to change. For example, the previous forum was hosted outside of our website, which was a bad thing and some other things. For our specific plans, having a pre-build forum would influence our plans to much and we felt a custom forum would give us more freedom, something we cherish! In our vision we needed a community platform anyway, and the forum would be fully integrated. So we had an idea, a timeframe, a budget etc and it began. Like stated before, forums are pretty complex and especially for our hardcore users who visit a few times a day a perfect UI is important. We made certain decisions which felt right and we estimated that we would optimize the UI based on the feedback we would get, and fine tune it to everyones needs. I think that was not a bad assumption to make and not unrealistic. In fact, I think it was the best way to go to involve you guys in optimizing the forum since you will be using it most. Running two forums at the same time would make the migration 10 times more complex, so we decided not to do this. The feedback was heavier and more passionate then we anticipated. Nonetheless, we will use it and turn this community platform in our new home
  7. Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting You mean in the text editor or..?
  8. I know the results of a few of the urgent bullet points should already be visible in the upcoming week. It is hard to tell for the entire 'urgent' list, I will try to give you more insight when I know more. I will add your point, do you mean that old images are no longer visible in old threads? Uploaded images or links? Do you have an example? Thanks!
  9. I would be curious to know too! Very cool project.
  10. @shurik, thank you for your reply. Please have a look at the upcoming updates. Your requested feature about the notification is also noted, quite high on the (random) urgent upgrade list. Let me know what you think
  11. @ultiarjan @dim3nsioneer, here you go!
  12. @Chrisr thank you for your post. Following your accusations, when exactly have I done nothing? Every day when a user needed help they could count on me. In regard of this forum, maybe not all the latest developments happen in the front end, but there certainly has been a lot going on. The spam is solved, the remember me-bug is solved. All users should be able to log in. Etc. Also, please refrain from name calling. Thank you. You are very welcome to share your feedback wether based on emotion or based with facts but lets all stay friends here. Through this email I also would like to give you a new status update on upcoming changes, divided in urgent and shortly after. This should be a complete reflection of what has been mentioned before on this thread. If you still feel something is missing, please respond with what you think is missing, and if you feel it is urgent or for shortly after. I understand the urge that everything is urgent, but we can not do everything right now and it would mean that a different urgent matter most likely will be pushed back. Now, about the upcoming updates: Urgent, on random order: - Various back-end bugs - shorter loading times - Improving notifications and add email Notifications should be merged to prevent you from getting 4 notifications for a single reply, notifications should tell you who replied or liked. Notifications should direct you to the corresponding post. E-mail notifications should be enabled. - Pagination improvement Show pagination on top of the page and bottom and make it '1 - 4 5 6' instead of '1 2 3 - 6' - Information density improvement Improve the default forum page and reduce white spacing which will result in showing more relevant topics / replies. Look into the default forum page to showcase latest activity. - Move events over leaderboard on the community page. - Remember me / Time out bug This was allegedly solved, but on occasion I heard some people still had to log in, whether by some kind of time out or something else. We are going to look into this. - Improved navigation through community platform, add various buttons. Add 'previous' buttons to go back to last page, add other tools to quickly navigate through the forums. - Fix post preview and enable media preview in editor. - Improved filter, since last visit distinguish unread - Improve newsfeed by showing last reply instead of first post. Shortly after, at random order: - Reevaluate sub-categories - Reconsider the decision to drop chat-function. - Recalculate the score in your account - improve recognition links On the default forum page, 'the art of printing' is also a link. Did you know? - Look into enabling a Poll-feature. - Make text editor scalable - Improve forum search-function - RSS feed - Customization landing-page / community - Expanding skill set For example, adding 3D scanning. This will always be open to suggestions. I also wanted to use this opportunity to explain to you the difference between the 'community page', and the 'forum page'. I can imagine without context the community page may not add much value next to the forum. Allow me to give form to that context. Like said before, the forum is part of a larger platform called the 'community platform'. This will be expanded later which should result in different levels of interaction with Ultimaker and our activities. This comes from our acknowledgement that our community is so important, like stated repeatedly by us and various users in the previous pages. And even though, due to some required upgrades to the forum, you may feel different right now, enabling this next level involvement for the community could not happen on the old forum and required an upgrade in the form of what we have called the 'Community platform'. Later we can designate a new topic that solely evolves around the community platform, which should give you even more insight and understanding. Another thing which deserves some mention is that the Prints-section is meant to share your latest prints and have a chance to get featured on our home page. This should become a source of accessible inspirational prints. The 'share your latest print' is a great thread, and was the inspiration for this. But it was not always easy to navigate through the pages searching for prints/projects. If you want to talk about projects mid-way the forum is still the place to be. If you want to share the end result the Prints-section would be the more obvious place. There is no point in requesting to go back to the old forum. That is not going to happen. Instead, if you feel the current forum needs work, help us with your valued opinion and make it more your forum. Let me know what you think!
  13. Hi Guys, The next Ulti-evening is coming up with another inspiring and creative theme. As ever the interactive part is key in these get-togethers, and this time we are going to continue on the post processing. We have invited @BaasB from our community who started to educate himself with paintbrush ever since he started 3D printing. So if you are curious about the learning curve, steps involved with paintbrush, priming and finishing up your prints to give them a full color finish come join the next Ulti-evening. If you have experienced in another field of post processing and you want to share this with the community please send me a direct message! Thanks! Date: 11-05-2015 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (bring your Ultimaker) and order food if you are hungry. 18.00 - 18.30 Short introduction 18.30 - 19.00 Food! 19.00 - 22.00 Paintbrush time! See you then!
  14. 這是會得到非常混亂,非常快!
  15. It will trigger my spam-ban-reflex tho
  16. I have tried it before, it works pretty good in my personal opinion. It can be a good alternative for the blue tape.
  17. Hi Don, If you prefer to register on your own account let me know by sending your username + corresponding email. We have discovered the bug and fixed it. However some accounts need a small manual push into the right direction. So far as I know, that manual push has never failed. Just let me know and we will be able to get you back on track.
  18. The print quality of the Ultimaker 2Go is excellent. Because it is build using the same mechanics as the Ultimaker 2, but it is a bit smaller, it makes for a very rigid machine. If you print small PLA parts I can see a good match, but be aware that due to the tape the bottom surface will not be as glossy as prints from a glass plate. The Ultimaker 2Go also comes with a special travel container which you can see here
  19. You are welcome, sorry it took so long but good to have you back!
  20. Inderdaad. En zie ook de antwoorden op deze thread.
  21. 'Back to the forum topic; can we as a quick solution get 1 page consolidating the 8 main sub forum pages, this would already help to gain some overview again. Or if someone knows how to do this with a script ?' How do you mean? Like make it entirely visible in 1 page, without scrolling? I would expect you already want to see updates on this page, or am I mistaken? If you could mock up like a screenshot of what you mean that would probably help getting your idea across. If this would be a potential quick fix depends on if we all agree it is a good fix, plus the amount of work it requires compared to the proper fix. Thanks!
  22. email notificaties zijn er nu nog niet, maar die komen binnen kort. Als je zelf nog iets mist, kun je me dat altijd laten weten en dan kunnen we kijken naar wat de mogelijkheden zijn. Echter moet ik dan wel aan je vragen om dit te doen in het forum feedback topic, om alle onderwerpen zo een beetje gebundeld te houden. Ben blij om te horen dat je je weg weet te vinden
  23. Ha Cees, Ik kreeg ook een melding hiervan. Toen ik keek zag ik niks, later zag ik dat er een chinees spam bericht was geprobeerd hier te posten. Deze kwam er niet door, maar had wel een notificatie weten te triggeren. Kleine bug, inmiddels doorgegeven. Zal binnenkort opgelost zijn vermoed ik. Lukt het een beetje op het nieuwe forum?
  24. Beste Barbara, bedankt voor je bericht. Helaas kunnen wij je geen antwoord geven over de verkoopcijfers van, tot of sinds 2014. Wat betreft je andere vraag, ik denk dat je via dit diagram een aardig beeld kunt schetsen. Succes met je onderzoek!
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