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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. Hi Jonomc,

    Thank you for your post.

    I will look into why you have not received it and where it is now.

    My apologies for the inconvenience.

    I totally understand you want to ventilate your frustration, but sending the same email in ten-fold will not get

    you a faster reply. Actually, on the contrary because our communication inbox system is based on 'last activity'- parameters.

    I will look into it and get back with you shortly, thanks again for notifying us about it!


  2. I had a Ultrasound checkup at the hospital today, I was pretty nervous for days,

    but there was nothing wrong and all seems to be in the clear :eek:

    it looks like I can finally go on with my life after more then 2 years of illness and hospitalization,

    after my kidney transplant for my mother went wrong (she's doing great)

    it feels a bit weird :grin:

    working with my Ultimaker helped me from going insane ;)


    Hi Xeno,

    That is very good news! Congratulations.

    I am glad you can now continue life again without hopefully

    having to worry to much about things.

    Next week I am going to a festival here in the Netherlands, which should be great fun.

    Going with a nice group of friends.

    I don't have any holiday plans yet, cause I am house-hunting.

    Ian, you should bring your Ultimaker.

    Perhaps you can find some cheap / free stays and offer your 3D Printing services as compensation ;)



    Hi All,


    As you may have read we are co-hosting the Gadget Hacking & Accessories contest currently on Instructables. Within this contest I see a big role for 3D printing and especially for Ultimaker.

    There is a special prize for the best 3D printed entry, and I want to give participants the chance to get familiar with 3D printing even when they do not have a printer yet themselves.


    In this topic I want to give those participants the chance to ask for advice on 3D printing so we can share our knowledge and experience with others. Perhaps if anyone is up to it, prototype someone's idea even.


    It would be great if we as a community can contribute to this contest by lending our helping hand, and obviously submit the best hack imaginable!


    Good luck everyone! :)




  4. I don't actually think thingiverse is the place to get exposure, except maybe if you get featured but besides that I think you easily drown in a sea of insignificant designs.

    There are a lot of quality models, but I think the ratio kinda got unbalanced lately.

    What I think is interesting is not how to sell models you actually printed, but the digital files.

    That is also the strength of 3D printing. Making the stuff you want and need.

    Selling a model you made can be done through the known channels, but how to go about the digital files is new and is more interesting I think. I don't think you can totally prevent it from ending up on a file sharing and hosting platform but if you work from a cloud that is the most controllable environment.

    Some questions I find interesting:

    - Are you selling the stl or gcode. Or maybe another file?

    - Are you selling a number of prints, like for $? you can print it 1 time, but for $? you can print it 10 times.

    How will you control this?

    - What about quality control? What if the purchaser is unhappy?

    - If you can limit the amount of times it is being printed, what when for example the filament gets tangled up?

    A lot of discusion was around the music industry when SW like kazaa and other file sharing sites got online, and now with iTunes. We are facing a similar movement now. Can we learn from this industry?


  5. I think in practice most people print at .06 if they want to get high resolution prints.

    The difference between .06 and .02 is not very easy to spot with the naked eye, while the difference in overal print time is easier noticeable ;)


  6. This is a very interesting discussion and I have seen this topic coming for a few months now.

    With the technology becoming better and faster, you can see a change in the users from people who

    are partially interested in 'just the technology' towards a professional user.

    I think one of the strengths of 3D printing is sharing files / data, because everybody can be its own maker

    and there is no point for everybody to have to reinvent the wheel every single time.

    Collaborating should be the keyword, connecting all the single individuals we intend to be sometimes.

    But that doesn't mean sharing has to be free. With a new group of people moving towards 3D printing, who's profession is designing you can not expect them to share it for free because they are depending on it.

    And there is no point in keeping them out of the community, in the contrary I think we can all benefit from this new level of professionalism.

    Not all designs are unique or professional enough to be made available as commercial design I think.

    So how would you avoid 'this guy' down the street makes his 7th Iphone 4s cover available for purchase and in that order 'pollutes' this library?

    On the other side, who are 'we' to stop him from trying to make money?

    What would be the best way to sell a model?

    Would you sell the STL or a Gcode? In case of the latter you also need a cloud based slicer that generates these codes or the designer should custom make it for everyone.

    I think the cloud would be the best place to store the models as it would be the most controllable environment.

    Controllable sounds like the opposite of what the environment is now, but I don't think it necessary is a bad thing.

    It just means that the designer has some kind of control about what happens with his designs.

    It can still be made available for everyone, but on the terms of who designed it. Which in a way I think he should be entitled too.

    I wonder what everyones opinion is on this..


  7. Hi Sebastian,

    Thank you for your post.

    I think it is also fair to say you submitted your ticket Friday afternoon and you have just received a reply back.

    Doesn't change the fact you should have received an update about your Kit sooner.

    I have just send you a reply to your PM and lets work towards a solution :)


    Thank you for your time!


  8. Hi Sebastian,

    When you read about any units arriving broken/knocked about you probably also read that Ultimaker took great care of its users and we left nobody in the dark.

    When a printer arrives damaged it is usually due to rough handling, something we can not always prevent.

    But what is important is how the company you committed too, handles such a situation.

    There is no official reseller in Cape Town, South Africa.

    But we can ship it there.


  9. haha deepshots. A friend of mine loves robots, and collects all kinds of small robot toy things lol... so for his birthday I thought I would print him a small robot... but OH, I got carried away and am now working on a full scale T800 terminator arm haha


    You have to keep us up to date ;)


  10. Thanks.

    Just spoke to the local UP reseller and oddly he recommends the UP Mini over the UP 2 Plus due to the fact that it has a heated platform. Apparently it gives better quality finishes.

    I am blown away by the Ultimaker 2's 20 micron accuracy. That is extremely good for the amount of money. Anyone care to upload a close-up photo of a part printed at that resolution?

    We definitely will buy a machine soon. Most likely in the next two months so we want to get all our ducks in a row...

    Keep it coming!!


    You can see a print here

    But I am sure someone has better pictures?

    Basically 20 micron doesn't show any layers anymore.


  11. You can send me the file if you want, but I don't think it is necessary.

    You can compare speeds on various ways.

    Like you can just compare the speed (mm/s), which I think is the most basic comparison.

    Because the Ultimaker has the extruder motor on the back, it (is suppose) to be able to move faster then any

    printer that has the motor on the print head. Because simply it is lighter, and when you move a heavy object around very fast you will have backlash etc.

    If you compare the total print time you have to make sure equal settings are being used.

    Like does it have the same amount of infill?

    Does it have the same amount of walls / perimeters?

    Is the model the same size?


    Retraction enabled?


    A lot of things have a direct affect on the printing time.


  12. Hi Oliver,

    Check http://www.damaged-design.com/92-enter-the-ronin model out!

    It is fully printed on an Ultimaker Original, so it is definitely possible :)

    Just takes some patience and skills!

    If you want to paint your model, I would get in touch with Braddock for tips.

    He is a pro :cool:

    For big PLA prints you don't necessarily need glue, for small prints maybe a hint. Just a little bit.

    If you use a lot it will actually make your adhesion worse, or can clog up the nozzle.

    If you use the heated bed, you don't need the tape.

    If you leave it turned off you probably want to use the tape.


  13. ..The extruder is mounted on the print head which a lot of people around here will tell you slows things down. It might in theory, but in practice the UP print speed blows the UM2 away.


    At what speed do you usually print on both the UP and UM2?

    Is there a specific reason you are using these certain speed on the UM2, like maybe you haven't had positive results with higher speeds or something else?

    I am curious to know :)



  14. Great to have you on the team Lord Devil! :)

    I have printed with the Woodfill before a couple of times, and sometimes it indeed clogged the nozzle but nothing

    a needle couldn't fix. You can choose from 2 different Woodfills, and 1 requires .8 nozzle.

    So unless you choose that one, I don't think it is necessary to order a spare nozzle.

    What are you going to use your printer for?

    Perhaps you can also buy (if you do not yet have it already), a file if you want to smoothen some overhang?

    You probably have to tweak your settings (temperature) in Cura a little bit for different colors.

    I think it would be safe to buy from both us and Colorfabb. They have a good reputation here on the forums.

    You may also want to try PLA Flex, which I personally find a very interesting material to print with.

    Enjoy the anticipation ;)


  15. Hi Robert,

    Thank you for your post on the forums.

    Could you send me some details in a PM in regard of your payment?

    Like the date you made the payment, and what payment method you selected?

    Did you use a reference?


    If you could also include your ticket-ID number that would also be helpful.

    I will do some investigation with our financial department to look for your payment.

    I would also like to add that you do not have to worry about an extended delivery time.

    If you are experiencing difficulties getting your payment through or confirmed we use your orderdate as benchmark for the delivery time. So this will not affect your lead time.

    Hopefully that is some ensuring information to start the weekend with :)

    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask and I would be happy to answer them.

    Looking forward to hear about your details so we can get your order sorted.

    Thank you and have a great weekend!


  16. Hi somewhereinla,

    Thank you for your post.

    It is always great to get feedback, because it gives us the chance to grow and meet your expectations.

    Like Ian said, I am very glad that overall you are very happy with the Ultimaker which is what matters.

    But if there are things that can me improved from ordering until that point I would be happy to know.

    Coincidentally, we have just made another improvement to the packaging and it is being tested now.

    It mainly involves the bottom tray to make it stronger and can take higher impacts.

    I do not think that the pulleys had anything to do with the rod escaping from the sliderblock.

    A couple of times I have heard it before, but this usually happens during shipment, and the rod

    can be very easily snapped back in place by pushing it back in. Was this as easy for you as well?

    Can you let me know what the current status is with your end stop?

    I am glad you have managed to get 10m3, that is a great achievement!

    About the noisy fans, do you mean just the 3rd fan on the back of the printhead of also the 2 fans on the side?

    The one on the back should be rather quiet, but sometimes one of the wires inside the printhead are slightly touching

    the blades of the fan causing some additional noise. Could you check if it can rotate freely?

    Looking forward to hear about your findings and keep us up to date about experience :)


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