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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. What a great thread!

    A nice way to get to know all of each other and see what else goes behind all the 3D printing.

    I have been ill for the last 2 days so I haven't read the thread yet but I will later today.

    So.. what I have been doing is drinking a lot of tea and orange juice and sleeping.

    Not thé most interesting story I think.

    I have recently started indoor climbing which is a lot of fun.

    But totally drains all the strength from my hands when I am done :p

    Im also looking forward to the video Ian, sounds very very interesting!

    Im guessing you haven't looked through all those films?

    Gee, who knows what else is in there.. Ghandi. Amazing.


  2. I'd be happy with an invoice payment.

    Edit: Who do I contact for an invoice?


    Hi NIMT,

    Thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties while ordering an Ultimaker 2.

    I have send your contact to my colleague from the sales department and she will contact you to help you place and finalize an order.

    Thank you for your time and if you have any further questions please feel free to ask!


  3. Hi Netsrac,

    Thank you for your post.

    I was just looking at your order when you made this post.

    When I browse back a couple of pages you say you placed your order at January 26th, on your previous post it says January 24th and your order says it is February 10th.

    Based on the February 10th indeed, it would be close to the end of April, as this week would 'only' be week 6 of your lead time.

    Can you show me in a DM when you placed your order, if it is like you say on January 24th/26th we can change the delivery schedule.

    Looking forward hearing from you, thank you for your time!


  4. How can i change my delivery address because i have just changed office location? I tried email to support but to no avail. my order number is R882412551. In case you need, my new office address is 18 Boon Lay Way #07-101 Singapore 609966. Thanks.


    I will pass it on to our sales team, who will get in touch with you.

    Thank you !


  5. Alright.

    So if I have all my facts straight DHL was suppose to come by about 2 weeks ago already but they had a wrong weight of the package and could not collect it.

    Earlier today a new order was send out to DHL to make another pick up at your address with the correct data.

    I just spoke to DHL and they should contact you today to make an appointment.

    If you have not heard from them by the end of the day, please call 1800 225 5345

    It is the DHL US phone number, and I will send you your reference number in a PM :)

    Unfortunately I can not change anything to the fact you have already been waiting a few weeks for the pick up, but hopefully I can speed up this attempt :)

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask!


  6. Hi Xeno,

    I think what Nallath and Daid are trying to say is, thank you for your feedback :wink:

    They have put a lot of work and effort in this new release and are very proud of it.

    Of course, just as always, we welcome feedback and look into your suggestions and the

    possible added value of it.

    I must add, the UltiController is not a bad idea.

    Obviously not just so you can use Cura 14.03 but also because through the SD card

    you have a much more stable data transfer, you can move your Ultimaker around and use your computer for other purposes. From my perspective it adds a lot of user-friendliness to the workflow of working with an Ultimaker.

    Of course.. it is totally up to you :)


  7. On what machine are you printing?

    What temperature are you using?

    Is there any reason to believe the problem lies in your feeder or in your printhead?

    If you swap it with any other filament you have lying around, does it make a difference?

    -Does that work?


  8. Could you atleast change the Ready for a Paid in the Orders? The Ready can be really confusing when you don't know what it means in your shop. Never seen it in any other shop.

    - We are looking into this :)

    I've been following this thread with a rising sense of unease...

    A couple of questions.

    What is Ultimakers policy regarding those who have received a faulty/damaged printer (like I did) and are now awaiting a replacement?

    What QA measures do you have in place and who is responsible for overseeing those?

    If you have received a damaged machine I would recommend to get in touch with your reseller (or us if you bought it from us). And we can see if we can help you out with either a replacement part or replace the entire machine.

    As you can read on various places on the forums people have had positive experiences with us handling these situations.


  9. I wont keeping going on this topic...

    Last word from me is.. i live in germany... i go shopping in germany.. i talk to germans about 3d printing all the time.. igo3d is posh little shop in the north selling units... but its the wrong strategy for germany.. just live here for a few years and you can see that.. german business is... a MONOPOLY SYSTEM.. when the big guys have all there markets cut up in the next year or two.. and ultimaker decided they want to grown and develope into Europe... guess what... they will be banging on a big metal KRUPP STAHL door... and it wont open....


    We are not deciding to do something in a couple of years. Decisions have already been made.

    But we can not do everything over night. Some things take time, and need proper preparation.

    But if you have any specific tips on who we should approach they are always welcome :)

    (or redirect them to us..)


  10. There were many more problems which i don't want to write down here...

    Do you feel more comfortable sharing them through a PM or email?

    I think it is important to know as many experiences as possible, good or bad.

    And they also deserve to get the feedback just like we (and everyone else) does.

    Looking forward hearing from you!


  11. Hi Onkel,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated.

    From our experience we are very satisfied with their efforts.

    They are going a good job making Ultimaker visible and for what I know they also have the best intentions

    when it comes to customer service.

    Of course I do now know about your experience, and I am sorry to hear if it wasn't positive.

    Could it be that whatever spare part you needed from them, they did not have it at the time?

    They do not have all the spare parts on stock, they only have several to do some technical support if necessary at the scene. I am not sure if the same goes for filament (I can imagine them also selling non-ultimaker filament), so I can't

    say much about that. If you are indeed having or had problems and they could not solve them, I think they were right in redirecting you to us. We have a very capable technical support staff and obviously this amazing community! :)


  12. Hi Guys & Phil,

    I am sorry to read about the frustration you are experiencing and that you are not alone.

    First I would like to say we, as Sales&Marketing and myself as Community Manager are fully aware about

    the importance of open and frequent communication. Just as I recently posted in another thread I share the same goal as most of you on these forums. Which is sharing information.

    We want to give you the information you need, but it turns out to be rather difficult getting the ríght information.

    We learned this the hard way, because just as Phil experienced, we have not always been able to keep our promise.

    In Phil's case I want to add, that I have just checked his order and it should actually have been send out yesterday.

    I will double check if this was the case, and if not I will make sure it will be dispatched today. Hopefully that is some comforting news after a troublesome road. The tracking will be send to you by mail.

    I am also happy to say, as it may be a bit late for some, that we are sorting our things out and learning from our mistakes. We know what we want to achieve, and we are getting there. This is not something that happens overnight but every day we are focussing on helping each other and giving each customer a positive experience.

    The lead time is not something I can change that fast, but I can contribute in keeping people up to date about the progress during this time.

    Just as always, if anyone needs a specific update about their order please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help. Just as the rest of my team.

    Thank you for your time and have a great day!


  13. Hi Guys,

    Sorry for my late reply.

    If you buy your machine from a reseller I would advice to first get in touch with them.

    Some resellers offer technical service themselves and that would be the fastest route.

    If they can not help you, for what reason whatsoever you will be redirected to us and we will

    be able to help you get back to printing again.

    I hope that covers your question :)


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