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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. You are correct, the monitor window. Sorry for mixing that up. It would be nice if the Change Log indicated what was fixed in the Plug In in the future. People see "Octoprint PlugIn" on the changelog but nothing beyond that.
  2. I had to go back to the Github (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/3725#issuecomment-401177296) and download the file and replace the one that was in 3.4 Placed a GitHub request on this.
  3. Octoprint Plug In seems to still have issues. In the Cura CONNECT window, I am not getting any video. New PC. Clean install of Cura. Video feed works fine from Octoprint webserver. But not from Cura
  4. I know you already closed out the Github but felt compelled to let you know...got it working with your workaround!
  5. I just watched a review on the Palette + (I think it was George's Gadgets) and those prints came out really amazing. It's only for 1.75mm filament and he kind of glanced over the installation process. (I hate it when reviews do that! Show me the pain and the victories!) It's an interesting approach to multi material printing. What impressed me is that is supports PVA and other support materials. How a 3 in 1 would do remains to be seen. You seem to be the trailblazer there! I asked John Folger that very questions [high mounted steppers] and he said it was a bit of an ongoing controversy. I haven't been a fan of the moving beds for a long time and sort of endure them since, frankly, the printers are so cheap! There's a lot you can do to reduce the weight, adjust acceleration, jerk and other settings. I've moved away from glass and use either mirror tile or polypropelene bed surfaces. (Tiny Machines for the latter) But I think you understand the issue really well...if your bed is going to move and wobble, adhesion and a good first layer is paramount to success. From my background in building aluminum robots (such as my full-size R2-D2), I have a deep love of all things aluminum. I wanted to make my own bed but I think it would be too heavy. ACM is basically 1/8 inch (or less from what I can see) sandwiched around some plastic type material. How well it works as a 3D printer bed remains to be seen...it looks very flat! It's also a very cost effective material for sign shops (it turns out my sign making friend has all kinds of it in stock). I have also seen some that has a wood/wood looking material in the middle. Here's the link to what I am using: https://www.th3dstudio.com/product/ezabl-kit-ez-connect-version-cr-10-abl/ It's using open source firmware (Marlin) and it is doing a 4 x 4 (16 points) grid with the proximity sensor. For those of us with imperfect glass or just like the idea of an auto bed leveling device, it works very well. It many cases people are replacing the bed springs with metal or plastic spacers and use only the sensor. On the first layer, you can Babystep the first layer, moving Z up or down in great detail for a perfect first layer. It isn't set it and forget it, every filament seems to work a bit differently, I find I have to raise or lower on different brands. It's just how it flows. I followed the advice given here and elsewhere, diluted wood glue with water, at a 10:1 ratio. I keep it in a squeeze bottle and for quite some time, I would paint a thin layer of it on a clean piece of glass, heat and it would work great. However on my moving bed printers, it sometimes wasn't strong enough to hold down a large, 4 day print. (My BB-8 pieces) PEI sheets worked pretty good, removing them was a nightmare! I would really like to, the pricing isn't too crazy. I think BuildTak has a system they sell. Josef Prusa has really been a leader in this area of development. Lego robotics look fun. Probably a whole lot cheaper than the $10k I have wrapped up in my R2 ? (Details... https://www.facebook.com/PJsR2D2 )
  6. TH3D (Tim) and I have had some great conversations about those extruder upgrades. I'd be curious how yours works. I guess the one fun thing about these cheap printers is once you sort out any mechanical issues, it can be fun to tweak, customize and fine tune further. It's not for everyone....and it can be frustrating, since the Chinese printers lack any level of centralized support like Ultimaker, gMax, etc. The Facebook groups, YouTube channels and a handful of sites provide a lot of good information on various ways to upgrade, print different filaments, etc. I have a CR-10 that will undergo the upgrade to CR-10S electronics, dual z and changing out the stock hot end with a Micro Swiss all metal one. My CR-10S has an EZABL auto bed level sensor that works great. I was put off initially when reading about them, thinking it was more work than worth it. Then I did it (and documented it on video)...and wow, I love it. The Tevo is a bit of a challenge, Y stepper driver is under powered. I try to push new people away from this printer but they adore the sub-$400 price. It requires a good deal of work and modifications to print well. Toss in no Tevo support, instead relying on Facebook groups and it can be frustrating. I also need to replace the stepper drivers (already bought a new motherboard)...the ones on my board are soldered on and cause Salmon Skin/artifacts. The only positive on this machine is the AC powered bed for fast heating and a Titan/E3D clone extruder that works quite well. The bed surface is terrible and the bed level screws, when turned, simply rotate the screw...no change is made. You have to be mindful of that and have the hex wrench nearby. The FT-5 has melamine pieces and sadly, the bed is warped, defying all efforts to level the thing. I put a E3D Titan Aero on it and when I can get the printer close to level, does some of the best prints of all my printers! The printer vibrates a lot and the result has been several screws and t-nuts coming loose or the screws falling out. Folger Tech was kind enough to send me a replacement bed made of ACM (aluminum composite material). I kind of dread taking that printer apart again to install it. But this time I will make use of either nail polish or the non-permanent Loctite to help keep the t-nuts in place! I'm debating replacing the MKS 1.4 board with a Duet. And this week, Folger Tech shipped me their latest kit for review, their FT-i3 Mega. As the name infers, it's a clone of the popular i3 design and a 24v competitor to the CR-10/Tevo Tornado style printers. It also matches the print volume. The steppers for the z are located on top, which I find intriguing. Like most Folger Tech printers, it doesn't include a part cooling fan/setup. To their credit, the documentation looks really good, so I am looking forward to a few evenings putting that together.
  7. Simply because the Ultimaker lacks the print volume my projects require I started with Ultimakers...Ultimaker Original and saved saved saved and bought a reburb Ultimaker 2 from Fabrc8. I then upgraded that with the 2+ upgrade kit. But I needed to print larger. I've been asking/begging/suggestion larger print volume since 2016. So I bought a FT-5 kit ($399)...it prints big but the melamine bed structure is warped. I then bought a $399 CR-10 I have close to a thousand hours on that! Early last year I bought a CR-10S since I needed more larger pieces to print (BB-8) That was $600-ish And since friends were raving about the $329 Tevo Tornado, I decided to give that a try. Summary... even if I saved saved saved...i would still lack the print volume needed.
  8. Thanks for the likes... any feedback? Did I miss anything? :)
  9. At work now so I won't be able to download/test it until evening (East Coast United States here)....but will check it out.
  10. Okay good to see you can replicate it...I observed it worked in 3.1 but hadn't used it in the newer builds (just been using the SD card!) I'll be curious what you find. I thought the API code was bad or something...
  11. Well I am trying out the Octoprint plug in and while it does find my server and looks to work....no video in the Monitor. I do have video in my Octoprint web session and elsewhere. Just not in Cura. And I have "Show webcam image" checked. EDIT: I've checked my other computers and can confirm it works on Cura 3.1.0 On other things...in this Beta... I wish if Cura required a restart after installing a plugin, it would restart and not require me to go launch the program again ? Also...I really wish Cura would remember what model was open/settings when you open the program. (S3D does this)
  12. Talk to me about the changes to the Octoprint plug in!
  13. Well they shot it down quickly...which is really quite unfortunate. I hope others comment on this...because for other printers, it's very useful.
  14. Good idea. not savvy with how Github works but I will post something there.
  15. Thank you for your reply. I haven't tried Cura Connect. I had a friend asking about software to do these things like the machine control panel in S3D, Pronterface, etc....he doesn't have those but he does have Cura. I didn't know if Cura might have something tucked away in the various versions...or maybe it's on the Coming Soon list? It's very handy to send commands to your printer, etc.
  16. Hi @SandervG ? Thanks for the reply. I'll keep watching the web page and see if a profile has been developed. It looks like an interesting filament.
  17. Maybe this is a wish list item...but maybe it's buried in there.... I was curious if there is a way to communicate with the printer, like a terminal window, jog commands, move bed up, down, manually control temps, etc in Cura ....or being developed? Usually when I am doing things like a PID Autotune...or whenever I need to enter in commands, I wind up using Pronterface, S3D's machine window or via Octoprint's terminal tab. Thanks!
  18. Not sure what to make of that response....but anyways...still curious what factors in the processing of that filament negatively affect the UM2+ :)
  19. So I am curious why this is "Experimental" to print on the UM2+ ....what's the limiting factors? Hot End temps?
  20. Here's my review on it...plus a few suggestions/tips.
  21. You could also turn off coasting if you have that enabled...someone suggested that to me a while back
  22. You can but I would suggest, since it is a very abrasive material, you invest in one of Anders Olsson's Ruby nozzles.
  23. It took a while...and I had to add brim for all that support to stick down better.... Purple Porg!
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