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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. I had a related problem with one of the older versions of Cura (Mac OS X 10.9.2 here). There seems to be the possibility of a race condition related to the options window (or advanced settings). I am not sure how I solved it but I remember that I tried quite a few things. Removing the subfolder related to that version in ~/.cura was one of them. And on another related note - Cura 14.06 didn't want to start properly once (dock icon bouncing forever). I killed the process a few times (too lazy to reboot) and once I let it start for a few minutes (icon bouncing like a boss), it finally started. Never had the problem again though.
  2. Ahem, Cura isn't slow, except you have a tricky or broken model to slice. In my experience it is the fastest slicer around (single threaded as it might be).
  3. Depending on the slicing settings in Cura, the fans have a "fan speed min" and "fan speed max" (advanced settings menu "Expert" -> "Open Expert Settings"). If you set 0.5mm then the two side fans will gradually start spinning until they reach 100% speed at 0.5mm. However the settings for min and max are a bit more involved - check the tooltip help. But the fans should stay on after they have reached full speed. The slow start you see in the video is normal. Sometimes the impulse is not strong enough to overcome the bearing resistance from the fans. I had it a few times where I had to manually nudge the fans to start spinning. Which problems do you experience with the cable connection? Do the fans stop spinning mid print?
  4. Hi, I've got another idea about the cause of underextrusion. New filament tends to have a sharp edge where it is cut off. When it travels through the bowden tube, it will scratch the inside of the tube leaving tiny specs that catch on the filament itself. These are transported into the nozzle and lead to clogs. Since Bowden material (PFA) has a very high melting temperature, it would even withstand brief "torching" with a hot flame (around 500°). So depending on the way filament tips are cut off, a sharp edge may form or not. Maybe that's the reason why only some people have problems with it. What do you think?
  5. Wow this is gonna turn into the first unofficial Ultimaker convention in Berlin Btw. +1 for no beer & all.
  6. Hey man, same idea here. Let's bother Aaron together
  7. Well before the 14.06.1 firmware I never experienced grinding with Robert's feeder. Now that I fiddled with the spring tension I might have b0rked the optimal setting/tension. I'll keep on testing - thx.
  8. DOH! The grinding at the beginning is gone, but the grinding while printing persists. With the first 14.06.1 firmware all my prints failed due to grinding (model sliced with Cura 14.06). Same with the fixed firmware. Maybe the gcode is faulty? I have attached the gcode file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ridrfh8oqgdjwwp/octocat-v1.5.gcode.zip
  9. Hi Simon, Many thanks for the fix. It works perfectly now - no more grinding!
  10. @Didier: I have ordered a sample of pretty much every color Faberdashery has to offer. Printing at 230/60 (layer height 0.2) was no problem like Illuminarti said. So I'd guess it might be the bed leveling for you.
  11. @Dim3nsioneer: You are right - that's it. @Didier: That's not messy - it has flair! I like it. Also, cool idea with the spool holder. I wish I had more space in my happy place. Right now I can't barely reach behind the printer :/
  12. Funktioniert es tatsächlich bei dir? Denn wenn ich den Druck starte, passiert das Abreiben des Filaments bereits in den ersten Sekunden während das Druckbett hochfährt. Da ist der Druckkopf noch in der Ausgangsposition. Ich denke nicht dass die im gcode angegebene Geschwindigkeit dort schon greift. Die Extrusionsgeschwindigkeit am Anfang ist leider in der Firmware fest verdrahtet...
  13. Die neue Firmware/Cura Version beheben tatsächlich das Problem. Allerdings führt es auch ein neues ein :( Das Filament wird am Anfang eines Druckjobs zu schnell bewegt und total abgerieben. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6064-cura-1406-filament-grinding/
  14. By the way, I feel the craziness level in the forum dwindling - where is Ian?
  15. Ok, than it is differently than what I do. I'll try it next time just for lols and see if nausea kicks in.
  16. Just to chime in for a bit - I've never experienced nausea during workout. But maybe I don't push my body as hard as you do.
  17. Oh cool - Happy Birthday dude! (and please excuse my "angry" pm - bad timing... If I'd knew, I'd hold off screaming until tomorrow :mrgreen: )
  18. Hi, I have created a separate thread. Could one of the admins please move the relevant posts here? thx. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6064-cura-1406-filament-grinding/ And by the way - grinding happens too with gcode sliced with the latest Cura 14.06.
  19. It seems that with the latest firmware (14.06.1) the filament priming procedure is too aggressive and inconsistent which leads to filament grinding for some users. The discussion started in the following thread and I hope one of the admins will move the relevant posts here to keep the discussion clean. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5935-z-axis-homing-inconsistent-on-um2-workaround-and-patch/?p=55338
  20. Hey guys, I tested a bit more but this filament grinding issue isn't consistent at all. Before I hijack the thread - tell me if I should open a new one. Before the 14.06.1 firmware (just updated to the stable one) I never had problems with filament grinding. Not once. But now I have them on every single print (power cycling doesn't help). I have also tested with the spring thightened at various levels (untightened, tightened very tight and something in between). But there is always grinding. Worst case looks like this: A more civilized case looks like this: And these grinding scenarios are completely random. I'll check it again tomorrow with an old firmware version.
  21. Hi, A while ago I started a thread about universal printer settings format (can't remember exactly). However it seems somebody started working on it. What do you think? https://github.com/camerin/UFIDS_pages/wiki/UFID-Standard-datasheet-RC1
  22. Heh, as a non-native speaker you should hear my english... That's what I mean. I have cut the four square pieces out of some kind of foam material that's hard enough to withstand the UM2 weight. Don't know what it is though.
  23. Hey guys, Using the RC5 and Robert's feeder, the filament is ground down every time when a print starts. Sometime is it now enough to stop moving the filament but sometimes it is. I've catched it on video. Anybody else with this issue? I have already untightened the spring on the feeder to the point where it would soon fall off.
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