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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Anyway, on startup, the robot loads as normal on first run. Then the slicing progress bar hangs at ~1%. Layers view displays nothing. Doesn't change anything if I switch to expert or basic controls. If I save the Gcode out, the result is an empty file. If I move the robot around, scale it or change any setting that would normally initiate a re-slice, nothing happens.


    I just had the same effect. But I know it's comming from my anti-virus software which is checking every new application on first start-up. As CuraEngine on first slicing. Having moved the object a bit (invoking new slicing process) showed it works on second start-up.

    @mastory, btw: You're not referring to the posted picture as Windows 7 aren't you? Looks rather like WinXP with classic style. Might that be a source for graphics related issues?


  2. We are not talking about the same side of the PSU. I'm talking about the primary side (230VAC). The consumption of the stepper motor itself certainly is as Daid pointed out. But on the way to the motor current quite some power is lost in the electronics (dissipated heat) by voltage regulation and current control respectively. If it wouldn't be that way, the stepper drivers would not have to be actively cooled.


  3. I have not tried printing PVA with fan off. So far my prints with PVA support material were all printed with pretty much standard setting, including the fan.

    Needless to say the prints were okay.

    Will try if anything noticeably changes with the fan off and let you know though.


    Would you mind to disclose your PVA source? You might have it exactly from the place where I read about the non-fan-thing...


  4. Very important point, foehnsturm! :smile:

    So one possibility might be not to close sides and front completely but just up to the nozzle height. Maybe it doesn't even need a fan for the cold zone? Maybe forced convection by the hot zone fan and natural convection due to temperature difference is enough?

    What about a slit at the bottom where cold air could leave the box?


  5. David,

    Could you please make sure that for next RC/final version all brims are printed strictly from the outside to the inside? For multiple objects it sometimes starts from the inside. As the start of a brim is often not perfect, there are gaps between brim and object and the effect of the brim is gone. I lost another print yesterday to this effect.




  6. Hallo zusammen,

    Soo mittlerweile habe ich mich auch entschieden. Es wird nun doch der Originale UM.

    Ich will mir aber direkt das Dual Extruder Kit mitbestellen.

    Reicht es also wenn ich den UM 1 kaufe und dazu dieses Kit hier:https://www.ultimaker.com/products/dual-extrusion?

    Oder benötige ich noch andere Dinge?

    Gibt es noch andere Dinge die ihr direkt mitbestellen würdet? Also irgendwelche Ersatzteile?

    Für den UM1 habe ich mich hautsächlich wegen der langen Lieferzeit des UM2 entschieden. Aber auch wegen dem Dual Extruder Kit.



    Im Dual Extrusion Kit hast Du sicher alles drin, was Du für den Dual Extruder brauchst (es gilt natürlich dasselbe wie beim Drucker-Kit: Packliste sofot überprüfen!). Ich habe mir auch schon überlegt, ein paar Ersatzteile anzuschaffen (z.B. Zahnriemen oder Düsen), aber bis auf Ersatzdüsen (allerdings nicht von UM :ph34r: ) habe ich bisher nichts dazugekauft. Hängt natürlich davon ab, ob der Drucker auch mal ausfallen darf oder nicht.

    Sei Dir beim Dual Extruder einfach bewusst, dass er offiziell immer noch experimentell ist. Bei mir äussert sich das v.a. darin, dass ich ziemlich viel Aufwand betreiben musste, um die Vermischung der beiden Filamente so klein wie möglich hinzubekommen.


  7. [...]


    Issue of RC3: When displaying multiple objects in layer view, some brims disappear. They reappear at some point when sliding through the layers.

    In this view, all objects should have a brim:


    Fixed for next update.



    The brims seem ok now in layer view of RC4, but there is now a similar effect with the infill, also for just one object.


  8. Wenn Du den Fan schrittweise hochfahren möchtest, dann einfach die 0.5mm in die Expert Config von Cura eintragen (bei 'fan full at'). Wenn Du bis zu den 0.5mm gar kein Fan und danach 100% haben möchtest, dann hilft Dir das TweakAtZ-Plugin.


  9. All working now thanks Dim3nsioneer

    I answered Daid incorrectly before when he asked about using previous ini files. I thought he was talking about the plugin file. So my answer should have been Yes, because I had been opening my previous profiles.

    Anyway, I got RC3 and a new profile and then set it up like my old profile.

    Then it stoppped working again and I found I had an error in my start.gcode

    I was using a command to turn the plugin off before and then back on after the first 15mm lowering of the platform

    I think I was using it without a semicolon in front

    Where as now I have a semicolon in front of both commands and they are working as they should

    For anyone interested this is how I have it coded now and it works


    G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm


    So thanks again Dim3nsioneer for your help and the great plugin


    You're welcome... :smile:

    The issue with copy the ini files is that one should deactivate all plugins before version change. Otherwise it's looking for an old plugin which might not exist in the new installation anymore and will block newly selected plugins from working. However, on the next start of Cura the issue seems to be solved automatically.


  10. Hej,

    bis hierher mitgelesen.

    Wenn jemand eine deutschsprachige Anleitung und ein ebensolche Befehlsliste hat,

    so dass man als DAU (wie ich) in der Lage ist einen G-Code zu modifizieren,

    dann würde ich sogar kniefällig darum bitten! :oops:

    Ich würde z. B. gern bei bestimmten Schichten im Druck mit der Lüfterdrehzahl und der Geschwindigkeit spielen ... wollen.



    Falls Du Dir nicht die extrem mühsame Arbeit des Direkteditierens machen willst, benutze doch einfach ein Cura Plugin, z.B. das TweakAtZ-Plugin, das ab Cura 14.02 Teil des Standard-Cura-Umfangs sein wird. Bis dahin findest Du das TweakAtZ Plugin natürlich auch auf der Ultimaker Wiki.


  11. Safety by hardware is always better than safety by software. It's e.g. higher rated in safety checks for a CE declaration.

    The 20k pull-up resistor would mean changing the Marlin configuration tab; maybe extending it with a 'new' sensor type.The values themselves could be calculated with a small spice simulation.

    It might get nasty if UM would decide to deliver future UM1 with such a hardware modification. A version check by the firmware must then be possible.


  12. [...]

    I've also improved my local build setup, I can now build the Windows, Mac and Linux releases in 3 clicks, and then they get automated uploaded and I just need to verify if they work and move them to the right location on the server.

    I still want to go to 1 click for all releases. But this already allows me to quickly supply you with new versions to test.


    I see now where the EOL character issue comes from. I guess you do these three clicks on a Linux machine. Then the Windows version also gets the terminal character of Linux.


  13. I would rather vote for a solution which physically stops the floating. As Daid has pointed out, the floating could be quite small and setting limits wouldn't trigger anything. On the other hand, floating could be large and then the hotend could get very hot within one minute (as it usually needs two minutes from room temperature to 200°C).

    Certainly the issue has some seriosity as Jonny has clearly pointed out. I don't know about other RepRap electronics, but maybe other boards running with Marlin are not that different for the temperature sensing. So the issue could be far more widespread than 'just' within Ultimakers. Depending on your workload, Daid, it might be an idea to put that generally into the Marlin developer group?


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