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Everything posted by ataraxis

  1. Hey, yeah there is always one who already did it Yes, it is direct driven without any gear between the stepper and the filament. The "knurles bolt" (or better: the drive gear) is directly mounted on the stepper - just like the UM2 feeder. What do you mean by "reduce the motion and increase the torque"? If you buy the new stepper motor, the torque is high enough and in addition you really need the new one because of the higher resolution (0.9° instead of 1.8°). I tried to print something in high quality with the stock-stepper, but the surface was way too rough. You could also put again a gear between the stepper and the knurled bolt in order to increase the actual resolution and torque at the filament, but if you do so, it would be nearly the same as the original feeder: you cannot directly use new types of drive gears (like the mk8) and more/faster moving parts lead to more noise in general.
  2. The new stepper arrived and is installed now, this is the my first print: i really like the retraction sound the new feeder makes, it is so "unimportunate".
  3. I designed a new adapter for IRobertI's feeder to use it at the UMO. It is inspired by vaques design! What you need: [*]1x MK8 drive gear (ID 5mm) or any other drive gear that fits [*]1x Stepper (NEMA 17, bipolar, 400steps/revolution (0.9°), around 44Ncm holding torque or more (e.g.: sparkfun's ROB-10846)) [*]XH 4pol male connector (used at LiPo balancers) [*]1x Ball bearing from the original feeder [*]some screws and washers What you gain: A more silent, super solid and rigid feeder on the UMO that is in addition shorter in depth. You can benefit from new drive gears. https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-original-mod-iroberti-s-feeder-on-um
  4. Mein Vorschlag zur Fehlereingrenzung: Z-Motor an den X/Y-Anschluss anschließen und diese laufen lassen. Wenn das nicht klappt, Motor der X/Y-Achse an die Z-Achse hängen und ausprobieren ob es am Motor selbst liegt. Sollten beides keine Besserung bringen liegt das Problem an der Mechanik.
  5. Muss mich bedauerlicherweise gegen iGo3D aussprechen,... bisher keine guten Erfahrungen gemacht (ich habe meinen UMO dort gekauft). Der Support ist extrem langsam, Antworten dauern teilweise bis zu 3 Wochen (so schon mehrfach passiert) - leider führt bei Reklamationen/Garantieansprüchen kein Weg an iGo3D vorbei. Die Lieferzeiten auf der Website sind außerdem (wie die Mitarbeiter selbst zugeben) nicht realistisch - trotz besseren Wissen hält man sich an die Angaben von Ultimaker.
  6. I updated (extremely simplified) it, it should do its work very fast now btw... the marlin functionality does only work (if it does?!), when you print from sd card
  7. hum, tried it the way he describes it "M117 at the end of the start gcode" but it does only display '0' here, anyway...
  8. oh no, not again... :mrgreen: i should really follow cura and marlin dev news...
  9. Hi Zoev! At first, this plugin is unfortunately very very slow - i work on it to make it faster. It is based on an module i coded the last days and which is the bottleneck... but - it should work! if not, can you please go to "file" -> "show slice engine log" and tell me what error(s) you get (scroll down to the last lines)? have you copied both .py files in the plugin directory? also evalGCODE.py? and yes, it uses M117 commands as you already mentioned. it should normally calculate the total length which the printer hast to travel/print (depending on the given speed) and print an '#' every twentieth part
  10. Quick'nDirty progressbar for the Ultimaker Ulticontroller. update: 20150403: v1.2.1 - added workaround for marlin bug. last sign on display was cutted of 20150402: v1.2 - added percentage indication 20150323: version 1.1 - simplified it extremely (slow deepcopy is not necessary anymore) - very fast now 20150321: version 1.0 v. 1.2.1 v. 1.0 https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ulticontroller-progressbar
  11. thank you for the information! is there any beta out there?
  12. 1) copy the .py-file into your plugins folder (C:Program FilesCura_15.02.1plugins) 2) start Cura 3) select the plugin in the plugin-tab (doubleclick) 4) load ANY .stl-file (this is necessary to execute the plugin-code) 5) restart Cura
  13. ah okay, yes you are right but I think it was a conscious decision of the developers since it is less code this way... anyway
  14. Hum? Sorry I don't understand^^ Do you mean they should edit Cura themself? Not everybody knows how to write programs and not everyone knows python... I think it could be useful when it comes to changes of higher complexity
  15. Hi everyone! I made a little Plugin that manipulates Cura. I just added one Functionality so far: Add the expert-settings as tab https://www.youmagine.com/designs/curamod If I have any good idea, I will add it - if YOU have one, tell me If you face any problem just reinstall CURA...
  16. I'm still working on it This is how it looks now:
  17. I found an other way to modify the pluginbox within the plugin, thank you anyway
  18. hey again, you are right dimensioneer, the update-process doesn't work anymore... but as I said... will wait for bagels answer
  19. @Dim3nsioneer: everything is fine so far well, my solution is really quick and not sophisticated. if you can tell me that you will definitely include it when it is ready, then I will invest more time in a better way for the formatting options, ... (and use github)
  20. hey! oh no please don't read the code - it's really ugly, quick 'n dirty and without any object-orientation :???: :-P i rewrite it at the moment, it's now 720 lines long and it cannot do anything xD (well... it does "understand" the GCODE now and creates some tool objects) the extra pressure is provided by a bed-movement in direction of the nozzle so far, but I will think about "the feedrate". 1) - 3) are self-explaining i think 4) allows to deactivate hopping on some parts of the first layer, i.e. the inner/outer-wall or the skin (infill) 5) - 6) self explaining 7) - 8) moves the bed towards/away from the nozzle. in my case that results in a good adhesion where it is necessary (the walls) and does not produce to much pressure in the nozzle while you print the skin (infill)
  21. In theory you are right I think, that's why I wrote that... but in practice it doesn't work for me and many others - don't know exactly why but if I start at this height without the plugin, it comes to overly visible lines at the second layer at my printer. It's not a bad idea to have more material on the first layer without too much pressure I think. With this method you just shift it to the second layer, where in general is less resistence. But hey, if you don't have the problems mentioned above you will surely not need it (the plugin)
  22. hum, not really I didn't knew that there is any such plugin (it's the first plugin i ever used) - anyway, coding is fun and I will add some more options in near future
  23. Luck for what? That they implement it you mean? It's really not a big deal... I hope they do it. Not the very best solution but a good one without too much effort: change no. 1 at pluginPanel.py: replace line 112: s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, param['description']), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3) with if param['description'] == '---' and param['type'] == 'none': s.Add(wx.StaticLine(pluginPanel), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,4), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT,border=3) elif param['description'].startswith('b_'): ctrl = wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, (param['description'])[2:]) tmp = ctrl.GetFont() tmp.SetWeight(wx.BOLD) ctrl.SetFont(tmp) s.Add(ctrl, pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3) elif param['description'].startswith('m_'): s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, ((param['description']).replace(r'\n','\n'))[2:]), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3) pass else: s.Add(wx.StaticText(pluginPanel, -1, param['description']), pos=(3+i,0), span=(1,2), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,border=3) change no. 2 at pluginPanel.py: insert before line 123 else: #standard text box the following elif param['type'].lower() == 'none': pass Then you can print with params... ... an empty second colum by type:'none' ... a line by description:'---' and type:'none' ... a bold text by 'b_' before the description ... use \n as newline by 'm_' before the description
  24. That's axactly right, I already changed it here at my local copy of Cura, but if I use it now in my plugin nobody else can do. A breakline like '<br \>' would be nice also. Anyway with a label i can just use '---------------' if necessary.
  25. Hallo Nico, das Problem ist jetzt endgültig gelöst: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/10175-my-plugin-damn-first-layer/ Liebe Grüße und Danke für die Antwort!
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