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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. Yeah I did indeed.

    Although depending on the print I sometimes have to modify the material flow to 99% for a bit because of very slight over-extrusion. But it works correctly more than not, so I guess 365 is a good value for me.

    I saw that EldRick is using 340, don't know how that is working for him.


  2. I am using the MK8 gear but I'm using Roberts feeder.

    If it just appears not to get a grip on the filament (as in: you barely see teeth marks in the filament) it might be that you have to up the tension (there's a small screw on top of the feeder for that).

    But like gr5 said: Make sure its not grinding or that there is something else wrong (ie if you hear a "ploing" sound once in a while it's the feeder skipping backwards because of too much pressure)


  3. Pretty awesome shit Arjan! But I have to agree with the rest: Your mods... brr :) It's almost printenstein ;)

    edit: Before I give anyone the wrong impression - this is meant as a compliment :)

    Frankenstein was a brilliant scientist but everyone associates the reference with the monster. I do not! Someone needs to do the strange experiments to make progress and that is what I was referring to.

    I wouldn't dare to modify my printer like that, kudos :)


  4. Hehe I recognise myself about 2 months ago :)

    You really can't look at a 3D printer like a regular printer where you just change the toner and paper and keep your hands of the rest. It is a hands-on device.

    I don't even think the UM warranty is a "full machine" warranty but on all the pieces separately, so as long as you're careful to not break anything by being ignorant, you should be more than fine.

    The feeder has like 4 or 5 components in it so it's fairly easy to take it apart if you take your time to see where everything goes. Worst case scenario you can download the assembly manual to put it back together.


  5. IC. Haven't had much warping so far. Then again, I only have PLA.

    Would love some ABS as I have a couple pieces to print that have to be more temperature resistent but we don't have enough airflow in the room where the printer is now and I don't want the house smelling like burnt plastic :)


  6. While enjoying my COFFEE I thought about something I got in the mail this week that I wanted to show.

    I signed up @ 3D Hubs pretty much the day after I got my UM2 and did their testprint to get a rating. This week there was this envelope in my mailbox that had the following in it:

    Gift from 3D Hubs

    Dunno what you guys think but I find it pretty awesome :)

    (I got multiples of everything but it's not really needed to photograph all of the right)


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