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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. Look at the screw with which the knurled wheel is mounted and wait for that ping. If you're experiencing what I think you are you'll see it jump back about 1/4th rotation as you hear the sound. It's the filament being pulled back because of too much pressure.

    If so you still might have a partial clot or something hindering the flow of plastic.

    Btw if you're using PLA, don't heat it to 260° unless you printing at a very high speed, it'll burn and you have even more chance creating a clot

  2. Initially I would think the same, to use the tension screw on the feeder to ad more tension. However the picture you have with the nodges in the bowden tube part of the filament seems like grinding to me. If adding more tension doesn't help, there might be a partial clog in your nozzle preventing the printer from pushing through plastic. But indeed, start with the tension.


  3. I've managed to install octoprint and connect it but i can't seem to make it start a print correctly. Are you really expected to move the build plate to the correct location, heat up the nozzles and then start it? It just starts printing without heating. If I actually heat everything first then it starts printing in mid air :)

    Not really useful except for temperature monitoring for me so far :)


  4. Damn you Titus, now I have to print a vase too :)

    No all kidding aside, I tried one the past week and it leaked more water than a sieve, so I really want to get this.

    If the spiralize limits the entire thing to 1 pass, isn't there an alternative way to get a thicker wall but still relatively waterproof? Wouldn't know how that would work spiral wise if you're trying to keep a single strand of plastic going though, but I still consider myself a newbie regarding 3D printing so there's lots I don't know ;)


  5. I wasn't insinuating that Daid :) I (kinda) trust you :-P

    Just didn't feel like browsing through the code as I don't really know where to start.

    But I could've done a github search in the repository :)


  6. Any reason Cura tries to connect to that IP when starting up? I realise it might be local to my LAN, but I have no clue why it would try to connect to a local IP, let alone one that is not in use..


  7. Well I guess you guys have the numbers and it is up to you to decide, I was just thinking out loud :)

    If the cases are so low and the replacement parts are shipped quickly enough it should be fine indeed.

    I've been evaluating printers for over 2 years before I decided to purchase the UM2.

    I can't imagine how I would feel if - after such a long wait - a printer would arrive that doesn't work because of shipping damage. Would probably track down the delivery guy and mess him up ;)


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