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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. I tried the recreus sandals... The soles started out really nice but once it had to start on the overhangs to get stuff connected everything went to sh*t really quickly :)

    Looks like those shoes are better, overhang wise, but I'll have to buy a new color then. I only have purple filaflex atm :p


  2. I think part of the UM marketing strategy is to make the printer look "less techy" so they can reach a broader audience. If people don't see all that tech info they think it's easier in use i guess?

    In any case, it has annoyed me to bits that there is no "geek version" of the info display. Sure you can get to the temperature and material flow status by using the tune menu, but height and so on during a print? Forget it...


  3. Actually, what about something way cooler. We put freewheeling wheels in there, and use the air to propel the robot :D Like a hovercraft on wheels :p


    Sounds very cool but you'd need a seriously advanced join for the front wheels.


    • Wheels straight up, rotor pointing backwards to drive

    • Wheels straight up but turned to take a curve. The rotor needs to remain pointing backwards as to not hit the body. So it needs to hinge.

    • Wheels rotated in flying mode.

    Even if the rotor can rotate a bit (which I assume it does for steering in the air), the chances of hitting the body are still there (or you need to use the rotors to turn and do it very slowly)


  4. Yes, but you'd need something "gear'y" to be able to overcome the speed difference between wheel rotation (I assume we were talking about driving the thing on the ground as well?) and rotor rotation.

    If the wheels are just some kind of nice looking landing gear, forget what I said :)


  5. You'd either need a sort of gear system in each wheel then to switch between rotor/wheel action, or have 2 axes going to each wheel, one that drives the rotor at a much higher rpm and one for the wheel rotation.

    That still doesn't solve tilting the wheels inwards on takeoff :)


  6. EldRick: care to share your diagnostic method? I'm curious to test it here too. Have had nearly no issues with the calculated value of 365. Only with white 123inkt.nl filament I've experienced slight overextrusion. Setting 98% material flow during printing works but that might just be the filament, as the rest is ok.

  7. jtschichold: I've had the same thing happen to me, lookout for version 5, Robert improved a lot on that one.

    The arm is now printed lying down, which makes the seams go over the length and rendering it a lot stronger.

    Been running the new version since he posted the link to the testing version without issues.


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