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Posts posted by Labern

  1. The old um2 pt100 weren't always very accurate. I had one that was 20deg out and had similar problems like you.

    Replaced it and it was all good after that.

    This is why the um2+ has an improved pt100 that is a lot more accurate.

    If yours is intermittent then it may due to a loose wire, broken wire or the pt100 could be damaged inside.

  2. My Favourite is Onshape.

    But just use the one that you find the most intuitive and meets your design requirements.

    My models are mainly functional parts which suits Onshape but if you want arty stuff you should look elsewhere.

    I did design this cannon easily enough though 5a331697d4f77_Lancecanonshoot1069.thumb.jpg.849c0a79ba5d9077da92025cc261326d.jpg

    also look for one that has heaps of tutorials like what fusion360 and Onshape have. This will greatly help if you get stuck on a feature.


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  3. You can put oil in the bowden tube but this is normally done with flexible filaments like ninjaflex and you only need 1 drop.

    You may need to accompany some of your descriptions with some photos. What is the impression from the knurled feeder wheel into the filament? it should have between 2-3 indentations from the feeder wheel side by side.

    You should really remove all bad sections of filament.

    What filament are you trying to print with?

    The smoke sizzling may be coming from the oil, it can also be from high temps (maybe bad temp sensor) or you may have bad filament.

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  4. Wow it would have to scan pretty good for that money. I have been wanting a 3D scanner for a while but im not that desperate to part with that much and i certainly wouldn't want to have to waste any time manually stitching models or muck around setting up. especially seeing most of the time it will be sitting idle until i find something that requires scanning.

    I just watched the EinScan-Pro video and the guy doing the art stuff looks disgusted by the results.

    With the amount of interest in 3D scanners now it would be nice if UM continued with Nallath's project. But i guess sorting out Cura is more important at this stage.

  5. You don't want to lubricate the filament going into the feeder. That may just cause more issues and my introduce slipping. If the feeder is grinding then it probably means that it's not tight enough pushing onto the filament or really tight. Or there is a problem in the hotend so the filament can't push through.

  6. It sounds like you have an issue with the heater block. It should not have any plastic on the top of it.

    This means there is a leak somewhere or something is not aligned or installed correctly. Have you tried doing an atomic pull to make sure the nozzle is not blocked? If you do this you may see where the issue is.

  7. If you are using colorfabb then it should be within +/- 0.05mm of 2.85 as advertised. if not you should contact them.

    i have measured mine regularly and it has always been bang on 2.85.

    Measure the filament in a few places and rotate it also to check to see if its round.

    Does it matter? well this depends, I have found that it doesn't matter that much but it will depend on how far out the dimensional accuracy is out, what you are printing and if its very inconsistent then you will see more issues.

    I would check your caliper first. make sure you zero it with a light force that is the same force you measure your item. Measure something which is larger that will show if the scale is correct.

    Some calipers are inconsistent when the battery gets low and some don't work correctly if the slide gets grease/oil or water on it. so you could try cleaning it with alcohol.

    • Like 1
  8. Has anyone been to Zandvoort circuit park?

    I would like to attend the DTM racing and want to book a seat but its hard to know where to sit is good. quite a few areas are already taken

    also if anyone wants to join me let me know. i was just going to attend 1 day.

    Sorry, I have never. I'll see if I know anyone who has.

    Sweet, thanks

    I understood the 'Tarzan corner' was a good place to stand as there is often a lot of action. Action being cars spinning out of control ;)

    Sounds good. I'll book my ticket and aim for there then.

  9. I have both and I would get the extended. It does get a little bit of vibration lines on tall parts but small items that you would normally print on the UM2 are the same, for the flexibility it's worth it to have the extended.

    The UM2go has the best quality and is my most used printer.

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    Has anyone been to Zandvoort circuit park?

    I would like to attend the DTM racing and want to book a seat but its hard to know where to sit is good. quite a few areas are already taken

    also if anyone wants to join me let me know. i was just going to attend 1 day.


    Sorry, I have never. I'll see if I know anyone who has.


    Sweet, thanks

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