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Posts posted by Labern

  1. Yes it's well worth it to get the plus.

    All the changes made address a lot of the annoyances that the standard UM2's had. Making the print quality, reliability and use much better.

    You can make some of the changes to the extended to make it more like the plus but starting out I think you would be better off just getting the plus version.

    • Like 1
  2. Ah I only just noticed its not verticle.

    Its not infill its top/Bottom layers

    You would have to use something like the swap at z plugin where you set the model to have top/bottom layers on, then use swap at z to turn it off after the bottom layers has finished, then use it again to turn it back on for the top layers.

    Or use a g code modifier.

  3. Yes I have printed with them a lot.

    They are not the most easy to print with but the end result is very nice.

    As to strength, the are stiffer and more stable but not necessarily stronger and can actually be weaker.

    You need to use a wear resistant nozzle like hardened steel.

    I recommend that you read This topic as it has a lot of information that will be of help.

    • Like 1
  4. I ended up have a bit of a headache after the upgrade. All my prints were under extruding and I couldn't get it right, didn't matter what temp, speed I was running at.

    I had noticed that during the material change procedure the filament wouldn't travel all the way to the end of the bowden, either removing or installing during the rapid move part.

    Through some advice I was told to check the E-Steps.

    This led me to find the If you Install the Tinkerware after the upgrade the e-steps dont change to the correct value. Mine were on 282 and this needed to be on 369. with this changed its now printing great.

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  5. So the Original UM2 Fan shroud had 0.6m/s air flow

    the new one has 2.2m/s air flow

    mine has 2.5m/s air flow

    So percentage wise there is not much difference between mine and the new one. Mine is directed more where it needs to be and more even though.

    I still like and use the metal fan shroud as you can print at 300deg all day every day and not worry about it. It also helps me sleep at night :p

    Although cooling is important and can greatly help print performance, I think there are a lot more areas that can have a greater improvement on overall print quality.

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