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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. You could try to load the two parts one after the other and check, if the loading order makes a difference

    (at least it seems to make a difference for the one-at-a-time mode).


    But even if it does.... i would rather call it a "side effect" than a "feature", i don't think one can rely on this for the future.

    A properly splitted 3D-model is certainly the better option.

  2. 1 hour ago, Robert_JK said:

    Every time I'm slicing a model with dual extrusion mode on, the nozzle is dropping it's temp on de switch of materials for a few seconds.


    That's a printer with a single (mixing) nozzle, but two feeders, right?


    My best advise is to use the search function of the settings panel. Search for "temperature" (or "temp" or something like that).

    This will show you a list with all temperatures that are configured. There's proably a different initial, finishing or standby temperature set in the profile.


  3. 10 hours ago, mpd352 said:

    Is there a way in the Cura settings to make this automatic, and not have to manually modify the G code in every file I create?


    The start script can be edited in the "machine settings" dialog (AFAIK).

    Increase the dialog (window) size, if it is not visible at first glance.

    Hope that helps!


  4. 10 hours ago, degsme said:

    the way I made it is to take a cylinder of the ID of the cowl, set its vertical height at 10mm (1cm) and then take a second cylinder, with a bevel that is just a tad smaller and cocenter the two


    I'm not sure, if i got this right...


    10 hours ago, degsme said:

    and with the resolution at 0.12mm, this gives me a height of 1.7mm  instead of the 10mm I was looking for.

    initially my walls were 0.1mm thick (ie just one layer) - they are now up to 0.4mm ie 4 layers.. and STILL Cura only gives me 17 layers


    That's a bit confusing (to say the least)... it seems you are mixing up resolution, layer thickness and wall thickness? FDM printers just can't physically print lines that are significant thinner than the nozzle diameter. That's not related to the layer height at all.




    If you define the wall in your model, Cura "sees" two walls that have to be build - one on the outside and one on the inside of the cylinder. It will not generate any walls at all if the thickness of the wall is smaller than 1,25 times the line width (or something in that range... it may be different for newer Cura versions).


    It sounds like you better design the model as a solid cylinder-like object. And then print it with "Wall line Count" set to 1, zero bottom and top thickness and zero infill.

    This way you can control the wall thickness with the value of "Wall Line Width" (inside of reasonable boundaries - depending on the nozzle size).


    The difference:





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  5. 4 hours ago, JurgenMK said:

    I have a problem with uploading files to the printer, when I try to, I get the error 400 bad response back.

    anyone know how to fix that?


    I'm not sure, either this (older) network printing doesn't work anymore or we use it in a wrong way?

    I use only the new API for this, i hope it still works in the same way in this new "digital factory" age (my UM3 has not heard yet of those fancy things... 😏)


    Have a look at the documentation on the printer.


    Something like this (from a windows batch file):


    set URL=
    set FILENAME=UM3_UltimakerRobot_support.gcode
    curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --header "Accept: application/json" -F "file=@%FILENAME%" %URL%


  6. not my field of expertise, i copied some lines from several places a while ago. 🤷‍♂️

    Windows and Python 3.5.2 in my case. I changed the initAPI function to this:


    # ...
    	# dunno, if this has changed too?
        def loadAuth(self, filename):
                data = json.load(open(filename, "rt"))
                self.__setAuthData(data["id"], data["key"])
            except IOError:
    # ...
    # always load data file from module directory
    def initAPI(ip):
        # script name
        filename = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        sname = os.path.basename(filename)
        datafile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".data"
        # authenticate      
        api = Ultimaker3(ip, sname)
        return api


  7. Well, you asked in the Cura section, so...:


    Cura has no functions to do any calibration of printers.

    But you can use the scale tool to change the size of the loaded model.

    In addition: most printers allow to change the steps/mm (per axis) with a gcode command. You can add such things to the start script in Cura if you want. The exact command and the parameters are depending on the printer and the kind of firmware it runs.


    Hope that helps!

  8. 13 hours ago, GoremanX said:

    What would be appropriate steps to take to diagnose this issue?


     I would (in unsorted order):

    1. try a different slicer to rule out (or confirm) Cura settings as the cause
    2. disable interpolation for the extruder - leave it untouched for all other axis (config.g M350)
      I had similar experiences with a 3mm DDG extruder, interpolation mode of the trinamic drivers results in a lot less torque of the motor (as far as i understand it) and that may well explain the underextrusion.
      It's working well with "M350 E32 I0".
  9. 9 hours ago, bisdak said:

    I believe that is correct but I have  no idea hot to correct this.


    Here is a similar question with solution, but keep in mind that the contributor of the printer definition may have defined these areas for a reason... 🤷‍♂️



  10. 4 hours ago, Dazed_and_Confused said:

    Kind of annoying for this to be happening on a brand new machine


    Well, if it's brand new:

    Did you finished all steps of the "first run wizard" as scheduled?


    I don't know what the scope of delivery includes nowadays...
    Are there sample files on the provided sd-card?

    Do those files work?


  11. 16 hours ago, bisdak said:

    I have set my printer build X=235 Y=235 but my 200x200 image doesn't fit.


    The question is... how have you done this and for which printer definition? Can you elaborate a bit?


    One possible reason: If there are "disallowed areas" defined (visualized in dark grey on the build platform) those have to be changed as well.


  12. 25 minutes ago, Crimson_Comedian said:

    When i go through each layer in the preview it does show it wont print those areas.


    I'm not sure what you consider as "holes" in the preview. Can you show a picture of a single layer and mark the area in question on it?

    Just to sure: the experimental "coasting" is not accidentally enabled?


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