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Everything posted by NBroenner

  1. Ist das ein Eigenbau ? Sind hinten zwei Feeder inkl. Stepper-Motoren verbaut ?
  2. Doesn't the sensor need to be placed before the feeder, because if the last piece of filament passes the feeder, there will be no movement of the filament anymore or will it move due to some "under preassure" from the nozzle ? In the later case it should be stopped because the flow could not be controlled by the feeder anymore. Since there are so many feeder designs, maybe we could do another one, based of one of the most wanted designs and include the sensor in it. What do you think ? If the sensor shows no filament, then: The feeder should be shut down / powered off in order to save currency The head should be homed and the nozzle + side cooling fans should be shut down / powered off to avoid filament coming out of the nozzle without control of it, destroying the print. The firmware should save the current position to sd card / disk to recover print from there. Heat bed should stay on in order to be able to continue the print. Maybe some of these options should be customizable in order to adapt these to the printed fillament. To recover the print the user should be asked to add new filament, then the print can continue or the user could abort the procedure. Maybe it could be possible to add a alarm (configurable) to get noticed, when this happens....
  3. @tinkergnome: Would it be possible to write the settings to disk (sd card) and only use it if needed ?
  4. @tinkergnome: I am sure that I could do a demo version on one of my A-Star 32U4 Micro boards (Arduino Leonardo compatible). Yes there is an unused cable with two wires, but it should not be a problem to add additional wires. I think the biggest problem would be to find a location as near as possible to the nozzle without inhibiting maintenance or other things. The type of sensor might also be a difficult decision (switch, light barrier ...). The analog connector has 3 wires (according to Main Board V2.1.1.pdf): 5V+, Gnd and ADC 15 via 1K R. So this connector should be compatible with the LM393 board. Is there a guide how to setup the firmware development environment ? I did notice that you need Arduino IDE 1.0X and not the newer versions, but how can you setup the simulation environment ? Is there a step by step guide ?
  5. @tinkergnome: I checked the Mainboard of the UM2, there is one connector left, named Analog. Maybe this can be equipped with a switch (like the minature swichtes of the end positioning) somewhere near the noozle (like a pull-up or pull-down, depending on the layout). Can you read the values in the firmware from the Analog connector ?
  6. Hallo, can somebody explain to me the purpose of the "Analog" connector on the UM 2 Mainboard (2.1.1). Thanks and regards, Nils
  7. @tinkergnome: I am interested in your upcoming feature "recover an aborted print from a selectable height". Will it be possible to use this feature to continue prints, which ran out of filament. For example you have 1/3 of a filament roll and you want to print something that needs 300 gramm. You let it print all night and in the early morning it runs out of filament. Then it would be nice to continue at the height were the filament run out. Would it be possible to attach a switch to the mainboard to "remember" where the filament ran out ?
  8. Hi Dom, I have used this one: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/um2-original-fan-duct-extention. It is just an extension to the normal fan shroud, but you have to unmount the fan shroud in order to change the nozzle. Regards, Nils
  9. Can someone explain me what is the difference between the normal and the big bang version of this firmware ?
  10. Also ich habe jetzt die 0.6er im Einsatz und mein etwas zickiges Bauteil wird in Cura jetzt in 0.1 LH sehr gut gedruckt. Ich habe dazu das Bauteil um ein paar Grad gedreht, damit ich den Support besser nutzen kann und die Lüfter auf 25% gedreht. Als Temp verwende ich aktuell 245/110 Grad bei ABS in Silber von Innofil. Das geht wunderbar. Einzig S3D funktioniert noch nicht so wie Cura, aber das wird auch noch. Danach werde ich nochmal an der Druckgeschindigkeit feilen müssen. Diese ist aktuell sehr lange .... für mein Bauteil 8-9 Stunden, für die größeren Bauteile sind ca. 40 Stunden angesetzt.....
  11. Hallo Lutz, wie sieht es denn aus mit deinen Ausdrucken ? Funktionieren diese jetzt so wie gewollt ? Wenn ja, was hast du geändert ? Gruß, Nils
  12. Hi, has anyone tried one of the following metal feeders / extruders: Bulldog XL extruder http://www.reprapdiscount.com/mechanics/64-bulldog-xl-extruder.html Tytan 3D Goliat http://www.tytan3d.com/en/ Printerbot Alu Extruder V1 http://printrbot.com/shop/printrbot-alu-extruder-2/ Printerbot Alu Extruder V2 http://printrbot.com/shop/printrbot-alu-extruder-v2/ Regards, Nils
  13. Hi, has anyone tried the Bulldog XL on an UM 2, yet ? It seems that the gear can be taken off and that then it has about the same size as the stock extruder / feeder. It that true ? Has anyone tried this setup (stock stepper motor with just the bulldog xl feeder / extruder without the gearbox) ? Regards, Nils
  14. Ich habe sie schon mit 0.5 mm ausprobiert und 50 mm, das ging ab - allerdings war das ganze dann doch etwas zu grob für 1:10 Modellbau :(. Als nächstes muss die RSB 0.6er ran.
  15. Hallo NicoLinux, aktuell bin ich dabei die Druckqualität zu optimieren. Ich habe den Olsson Block und habe mich an 0.8er Düse mit 0,1 mm Druckhöhe versucht. Das scheint nicht so ohne weiteres zu gehen. Nun werde ich mal die 0,6er Düse probieren. Bei den Feedern gibt es ja so viele verschiedene, fast so unübersichtlich wie bei den Lüfterabdeckungen .... Daran werde ich mich aber erst wagen, wenn die Druckqualität stimmt und S3D ähnlich gute Ergebnisse liefert wie Cura Gruß, Nils
  16. I am using the Tinker firmware with the olsson block. Can anyone provide me the offsets for the different nozzles like on the little instruction sheet which came with the block ? Thanks, Nils
  17. Hallo Lutz, Infill bedeutet die Füllung deines Modells. Im Prinzip das gleiche wie der Support nur innerhalb deines Modells. Normalerweise braucht man soetwas - vor allem wenn das Modell geschlossen ist. Gruß, Nils
  18. Hallo Lutz, Ich schreibe mal zweisprachig: ich habe dein Profil mal mit meinem verglichen (PLA) und dabei sind mir ein paar Dinge aufgefallen: Als Support hast du nur von der Druckplatte gewählt, was für deine Teile aber i.O. sein sollte Druckst Du ohne Infill ? (infill_speed = 0.0) Als Reperaturmethode ist bei dir B ausgewählt, hast du auch schon mal A probiert ? I have compared your settings with mine for PLA and there where some differences: Your option for support is buildplate, I have choosen everywhere, but for your print items it should be OK Do you print without infill ? (infill_speed = 0.0) You have choosen repair method B. Default I think is A. Have you tried this before ? Gruß / Regards, Nils
  19. @SandervG: I would not limit the file extension. As a start I would like to have them attached to the post. Later I would agree that some kind of parsing and displaying only certain parts would be good, especially for the extensions, mentioned above by @labern and @IRobertI.
  20. Hi, I have upgraded from the stock firmware to this firmware mod. Until now I did not noticed any bugs. I like the detailed information, a huge imporvement to the old "estimation" - 1 hour left .... I think you know what I mean. I got a little scared, when I checked my print and suddenly the lights and the display went off. At first I though it would be a power failure - but why is then the printer still printing. Today I took a closer look into the additinal settings and there was it: the sleep mode . Very nice and sometimes shocking . Regards, Nils
  21. Hi, I am currently switching from cura to simplify3d. Do you have the warning "your machine settings will be replaced ...." when you start a print, which you have sliced with simplify3d? Is this normal ? Regards, Nils
  22. Hallo, could you please add an option to upload files of any kind in the forum. This could be very usefull for printer / cura settings or other stuff (.stl, .gcode ....). Thanks and regards, Nils
  23. @Swordriff: no problems at all, as posted in the original post
  24. Hallo Lutz, Wie groß sind denn die Teile ? Mir kommen die Temperaturen etwas niedrig vor. Ich hatte vor meinem Wechsel zu ABS folgende Einstellungen (am Drucker selbst): name=PLAtemperature=230bed_temperature=65fan_speed=100flow=100diameter=2.85 Aber diese Einstellung ist am oberen Limit. Ich hatte eigentlich immer gute Ergebnisse mit 210 Grad. Kannst Du mal deine Einstellungen aus Cura posten ? Dazu öffnest Du Cura und gehst unter Datei => Profil speichern unter ..... Dann wählst du den Desktop aus und öffnest die Datei mit einem Editor (Notepad oder Notepad++...). Den Inhalt bitte posten. Darin sind die meisten Settings enthalten. Gruß, Nils
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