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Everything posted by Msuurmond

  1. I improved this but unfortunately it will be in Ultimaker Cura 3.1
  2. I personally think that 8 weeks is a very long period of time, I can't really remember what I did 8 weeks ago Apart from that the short releases make it possible for us to adapt very fast to new ideas or challenges, it also shows where our internal bottlenecks are. This way we can put our energy into solving these bottlenecks so we can deliver more value each release. And forcing ourselves to take 'small' steps and releasing gives us the ability to constantly test our assumptions what people will want. We don't go and build some cool feature for over a year only to discover that nobody out there really needs it.
  3. Just to be clear, when I remove items from our backlog, for me that doesn't mean that we never are going to do/solve this. Only that we think we won't be doing this in the next 6 months or so. If a ticket get's closed feel free to fix it yourself and we would be more that happy to review and merge your pull request.
  4. It would be nice if community contributors could see what's in those buckets, so endangered issues can be adopted. It has happened before... That is a good idea, but the connection between Jira and Github is manually at the moment. Let me think about that.
  5. Also, when you think of people using Cura, who do you imagine using it? New users or super pro makers? I see a BIG difference between the basic mode (very little options) and the advanced mode (infinite settings). Is it in your plans to make an intermediate mode? The last few sprints we focused on making Cura easier to use for our beginning users, users that are more focussed on the end print that comes out of the printer. I the near future we want to make it easier for the pro users to tweak and add things to Cura from which the beginners and intermediates will also benefit. If you have suggestions, let us know!
  6. See if the UltiBot is moving it's eyes when I hover on it with the mouse.
  7. None!! Especially not on talk like a pirate day
  8. What I can tell is that we are working on Ultimaker Cura 3.1 at this moment. A big speedup improvement will be in. We will stop loading all possible machines and profiles, but just load the ones that you use. After this we will have the UM3 support better single extrusion mode and we will start with 'Multiple Quality Profiles Per Model (aka variable layer height)'. What I'm mostly looking forward to is the research sprint. That is two weeks where everybody can work on the thing he/she wants and where it is less important that it works at the end (Ironing was a result of the last research sprint). How often does such a research sprint happen, and does that happen every so often? How free are programmers in this sprint, i.e., how likely is it that we'll have Morgan Freeman telling us to load the filament in feeder 2 in a few weeks? At the moment we do it every 4 months, so every 8 sprints there is 1 research sprint. It is a little bit like the Ship-it days from Atlassian, the only requirement is that you present what you have done at the end of those two weeks.
  9. I think we are then the place to go to if do anything with 3D printing. You can choose your 3D printer you just bought from within Cura, add some material profiles that another user uploaded, repair your 3D scanned models with a plugin that you just installed and got some great feedback from other users. Each novice user can than print as an expert and experts can easily contribute to the 3D printing world to share their knowledge.
  10. Like @nallath said Manual Support is something that is difficult to create UX wise. Apart from that I don't think people want to do manual support. They have to do it because automatic support isn't up to par (and we still can't print in mid-air). I want us to have auto-support that is better than manual support. That might be very difficult to achieve, but I think that if we take small steps that constantly improve our auto support (like the gradual infill in 2.7), we will get there.
  11. What I can tell is that we are working on Ultimaker Cura 3.1 at this moment. A big speedup improvement will be in. We will stop loading all possible machines and profiles, but just load the ones that you use. After this we will have the UM3 support better single extrusion mode and we will start with 'Multiple Quality Profiles Per Model (aka variable layer height)'. What I'm mostly looking forward to is the research sprint. That is two weeks where everybody can work on the thing he/she wants and where it is less important that it works at the end (Ironing was a result of the last research sprint).
  12. It is very cool to see that we have had in total 150 unique contributors on Cura and we receive more and more pull requests each sprint. Of course some are very active (yes you @ahoeben ) and some companies just add their printer profiles, but it really helps making Cura better. How we decide on what to work on: My first question is ‘How much work is this for the Cura team and what is the value for a user?’ If it is very little work and the value is obvious, then let’s just do it. If it is big then I usually ask ‘can we chop this up in smaller steps in such a way that the first small step already adds some value. This is what we are doing with the whole 'plugin browser'. The first steps are small but being able to release plugins separate of Ultimaker Cura is already handy for us and people who use it. If we really can chop a feature up into smaller steps we think long and hard about if it really is worth the effort.
  13. Yes. I started this because we had 800 open issue's in our ticket system and we couldn’t even keep up with the inflow of new tickets. I strongly believe in focus. If you give a team a very clear goal of what is the most important thing each two weeks, this helps people to make high quality decisions themselves and that makes work more fun. It also helps if we can prioritize tickets on one list, so that 1 ticket is the most important and that is the one we start working on. If we have 800 open tickets this does not give focus and nobody can prioritize this. So, I started by closing the old tickets. Tickets that aren't updated in 12 weeks go to a bucket where they stay for 4 weeks before they will be closed. The idea behind this was also that we weren't working on these tickets anyway, so let's make that very clear to the owner of that ticket. This way the owner still has an option to come to us with new information or takes another route to find a solution for his/her problem. It also doesn't mean your problem is not important, only that we believe we have more important problems to fix first. I hope we will become into a state where we can easily fix all incoming issue's immediately and still add functionality, but until we can, I must keep my backlog small (around 50 issue's) and focussed.
  14. Did you try to backup/remove the complete Cura config folder? So not only the 3.0.3 folder? Maybe something in an old version folder is not being updated correctly.
  15. Ok thanks, so a 'beta' through the icon for a beta would help you guys?
  16. Hmm interesting, why do you want to keep multiple versions on your computer?
  17. Damn, this is from my point of view the most interesting feature... @nallath, @ghostkeeper, any idea if it will come at 3.0 final? Unfortunately this has to wait for 3.1 (probably in Dec)
  18. We are looking into that, but it won't make it in 3.0
  19. Could you test Cura-3.0.1-BETA? http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_open_beta/
  20. Aha, I thought you didn't saw the Infill Slider, now I understand you meant something different.
  21. We just uploaded Cura 3.0.1-BETA, could you try with the new version? Garbled fonts should be fixed and also the Optimize Wall Printing Order crash. The speed is now being addressed, but it won't make it into the 3.0 release. But it will in the 3.1 beta due to arrive in 3-4 sprints.
  22. We have a fix and I want to put a new beta up tomorrow morning.
  23. When I try to slice: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1175684 together with Optimize Wall Printing Order, the engine crashes. Other model do work correctly.
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