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Everything posted by Msuurmond

  1. So when it runs on your intel integrated graphics card Cura crashes. You could try to get the latest drivers from Intel. We have had some reports in which updating the drivers helped.
  2. No that are all the folders. What happens when you create a new custom profile? Does it show and work correctly then?
  3. Did you try with a clean 3.1 settings folder? Otherwise previous BETA's might have made 'corrupt' profiles that conflict/don't get generated in a correct way.
  4. On that build Layer View does not work the models just stay grayed out. 3.0.4 did work? Could you post you logfiles please? After rebooting the system it started working their was nothing in the logs every looked normal. Strange, but good to hear it all works for you now. Keep us posted on your findings!
  5. On that build Layer View does not work the models just stay grayed out. 3.0.4 did work? Could you post you logfiles please?
  6. We have fixed this in a new build: Could you try it? https://we.tl/BUkblDTVBX
  7. Good too hear that the 3.1-BETA is working with a clean install. Usually when profiles don't show up, Cura thinks they are not compatible with the current selected printer. We will have a look at the log files tomorrow.
  8. Could you share a log and did you manually modify these *.cfg files?
  9. Hi, These bugs are fixed but we are not sure if 'old' single extruder machines work correctly now. Could you uninstall 3.1-BETA, remove the 3.1 config folder and install: https://we.tl/vzvre7ovfH (New version of 3.1-BETA) We would like to hear your findings.
  10. @amagro We see that in the file 'beethefirst_beetf_0.6_tpu.inst.cfg' you have a setting: [metadata] quality = normal it should be quality_type = normal. We now check for these things and that is why the upgrade didn't work. Only problem is that we can't see why it did work in Cura 2.7/3.0.4. If you remove this file, do you than still see your printer/custom profiles in Cura 2.7?
  11. People who have custom printers and crashes, could you zip and upload your config directory? Than we can reproduce the bug and fix it for 3.1 final.
  12. Make sure you have the latest Intel videocard drivers, also try the ones from the Intel site.
  13. Thanks, what type of printers do you have installed? Another person also reported this: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/2837
  14. Make sure you use the small link below the 3.0.4 download button
  15. Strange, the was name changed to 'Ultimaker Cura', I assume you didn't uninstalled old versions through the installer?
  16. First it was about Cura crashing at startup, so I manually deleted all the cura files in the computer in order to make 304 work permanently. The second issue I have is loosing all the quality profiles (automatic and custom quality profiles), for this the only temporarly solution I have is to delete only the configutation folder when it happens. You say 'was' that doesn't happen anymore with 3.0.4 right? Does losing the quality profiles happen when you add a printer? Can you post a screenshot of how it looks? and
  17. So every day you lose your profiles (quality profiles I presume?). When that happens you remove all of Cura (through uninstall of manually deleting the folders?). Then you re-install it and you next day it happens again? So it isn't about Cura crashing at startup but about that the quality profiles (or material profiles?) go missing?
  18. So after removing your profile, Cura runs once? Could you post you logfiles after you have started Cura once?
  19. You could setup a 'Custom FDM' printer and fill in the appropriate settings (maybe look at what 15.04 and Simplefy3D use)
  20. Do you have a intel video card? It looks a lot like: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/51637-cura-3-on-windows-10
  21. We are investigating how accurate the estimates are and see if we can improve these. Please be aware that as they are 'estimates' this is not high on our priority list.
  22. This was fixed in a recent version. Could you try 3.0.4?
  23. This should be fixed in 3.0.4 (which can be downloaded from our site now)
  24. Could you try this: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/2655
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