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Posts posted by Brulti

  1. Le principe du bouclier c'est de faire une coque autour de l'objet sur laquelle les têtes d'impression frottent afin d'enlever tous les petits blobs de matière qui peuvent se coller dessus, pour éviter les mélanges et de créer des petits trous/défauts sur l'objet imprimé.


    C'est assez inutile avec les filaments UM si les réglages sont corrects et que le filament n'est pas abîmé. J'ai essayé une fois, le bouclier à lâché est tombé au bout de quelques heures d'impression et a ruiné l'objet. Puis je me suis rendu compte que, comme la prime tower, c'est complètement inutile, ça ne fait que rajouter du temps d'impression et perdre du matériau.

  2. A mon avis, il y a plusieurs paramètres qui se combinent pour créer ces problèmes:

    - la qualité du filament, le PVA peut se détériorer très vite,

    - les réglages d'extrusion et de rétraction,

    - la calibration des têtes d'impression.


    J'ai remarqué que, souvent, quand j'avais de l'eau dans une impression, c'était à cause de petit bouts de PVA qui s'étaient mélangés au PLA lors de l'impression. C'est surtout avec du vieux PVA ou s'il à pris de l'humidité que ça m'arrive. Le PVA fait des petites boules ou des petits bouts qui accrochent a la tête d'impression et se détachent au hasard. Si un de ces petits bouts se pose sur les parois de l'impression, il restera un petit interstice entre deux couches de PLA car le PLA ne fait pas totalement fondre le PVA quand il est extrudé par dessus.


    Si ton filament est est bien propre, et que la calibration est bien faite, il y aura moins de débris de PVA, la tête BB ne passera pas trop près de ton impression, et ça évitera le soucis. En tout cas, je n'ai plus de problème depuis que j'ai fait l'entretien de mon imprimante et que j'ai bien vérifié la calibration, ainsi que depuis que j'utilise un nouveau rouleau de PVA, après avoir fini l'ancien.

  3. Perso, je fais beaucoup de PVA pour mes impressions dernièrement (statues et figurines) et je n'ai quasiment jamais le problème d'eau qui rentre dans l'objet imprimé. Mes deux dernières impression étaient parfaitement étanches, même après 24h dans un grand bac d'eau. J'utilise les réglages standard de Cura pour les filaments UM.

  4. @ahoeben Adding my voice there to thank you again for the plugin, and hoping you can find them soon to adapt it to 4.1. While the new docking is nice, it still leaves many elements all over the place, and I find it way better to have everything on the same side of the screen, like your plugin does.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Matioupi said:

    Right... I was convinced of the opposite... How is this implemented technically ? is there a chance that this comes as an upgrade sooner or later ?


    I cannot find the thread at the moment, but I believe that UM said that they would not be making and selling an upgrade for the UM3 to implement the feeder sensor. Their decisions was based on both financial and technical reasons, as far as I can remember. @SandervG, perhaps you could confirm and give more explanations on that decision, please?

  6. I'm not sure if it linked to that last firmware update, but since I did it my printer often disconnect from CURA and I have to go to Preferences > Confugure CURA > Printers and click on 'Connect via network' (I'm connected via ethernet) to re-establish the connection. It's not much, bit it's quite annoying to have to do it every few prints. I think it happens every time I switch material or printcores...

  7. Est-ce que tu a bien fait ta calibration manuelle du plateau? Si tu utilise les deux buses d'origine en même temps, c'est normal qu'il y ait une petite différence entre les buses dans les deux emplacements. Il faut seulement que tu fasse une bonne calibration, en manuel, et tu ne devrais plus avoir de problème.


    N'hésite pas à toucher au vis et à les visser ou dévisser légèrement au début de ta première impression, un petit quart de tour, voir moins, pour ajuster le niveau et assurer une bonne extrusion et une bonne adhésion sur le plateau. C'est pas facile au départ, mais c'est un coup d’œil qui se prend assez vite.

  8. @MarcM I just wanted to say that I did manage to make a print with PC, albeit a small one, on a UM3E with a glass plate and some glue to make it stick. I also bought the optional cover to insure stable temperature, mostly because I tend to do a lot of prints in ABS for my customers. And UM sold PC material way before the S5 and aluminum build plate was even a prototype.


    Thus, it may be possible that your printing problems do not lie on the absence of an aluminum build-plate, which was only supposed to make printing with certain materials easier, but perhaps there is also a problems with the settings you use, or maybe the roll of PC you bought is faulty. I did have a bad roll of PVA once, it seemed as if it took quite a lot of humidity even before I took it out of the sealed package, but I managed to save it with an oven. Perhaps you could ask your reseller for a swap with a new roll and test again?

    • Like 1
  9. Bonjour,


    Au vu des photos de ta buse AA, je me dis que le précédent propriétaire a du tenter d'imprimer avec des filaments abrasifs. J'ai eu le même soucis quand j'ai fait mes premiers essais, et ma buse AA avait le même aspect, avant que je découvre les buses Hardcore et bien avant qu'Ultimaker ne vende les buses CC.


    Je n'ai jamais réussi à imprimer avec la buse en question une fois que j'ai eu la même erreur que toi, et j'ai dû en racheter une autre. Je pense que le senseur qui se trouve au bout de la buse a été trop abîmé et ne permettait plus une détection précise ou constante de la hauteur, d'où les erreurs.

    • Like 1
  10. @alan-bc I believe there's been a misunderstanding over what I was trying to say. I was only trying to point out that MIO's reasoning to not include an option to switch to Imperial units, which basically boils down as: 'not putting imperial units in software will force people to switch to metric', was flawed as people like you have to work with imperial units anyway, and the only that would change was if the countries using the Imperial system would decide to phase it out in favor of Metric.


    In the hypothesis that it would happen, I would imagine that existing machine and stuff using Imperial wouldn't be outlawed on the spot, but allowed to keep operating until they break down and then be replaced with metric-based machines. Much like we had the Euro and Franc (I'm French) coexist for some years so people got used to it, and some more years with prices displayed in both currencies everywhere.

  11. 1 minute ago, MIO said:

    @Brulti True, but it makes an good argument of not implementing such request in Cura.



    @MIO From my point of view, it doesn't. Not putting Imperial units in CURA won't force people to change. Those who live in the USA and other countries using Imperial units, or who work with or for companies using Imperial units will still have to use Imperial units in their everyday jobs and lives.


    The only that would change is if the law in those countries changes and they impose Metric once and for all. Much like when the Euro was imposed in many EU countries. We'd still be using our old national currencies if there hasn't been for a change in law that forced everyone to switch and said that the only valid currency was going to be the € from 01/01/2002.

  12. I learned recently that the USA isn't using the Metric System due to pirates, even though it was officially placed in the law. The more you know, and how small events can have big effects! 😉


    @MIO This forum is hardly the place to have that good old discussion about Imperial vs Metric and which system is best, and @alan-bc specifically mentioned that he wasn't looking to start a flame war about switching. This thread is about CURA, and if having the option of switching to Imperial units helps @alan-bc and other users in their everyday use of CURA and their UM printers, then I'm all for it.


    I have literally zero knowledge of the amount of work that coding such a thing would require, plus testing and such, but, from the user point of view, I would agree that it would be useful feature for those who are in countries that use Imperial units. After all, we can already chose the language and the currency units to use, and the software let me put it in French and the currency in $, for example, without a fuss.

    • Like 3
  13. One praise to the team: the override finally works from Cura itself, and we don't have to go to Connect on our browser to tell the printer to ignore whatever discrepancies it has detected, which is a time saver when we don't use the RFID system, whetver because we have our own dryboxes or use spools from other brands without RFID. Thanks for fixing this!

  14. Hello,


    I work on two computers so I make extensive use of the cloud backup to easily transfer my custom materials and profiles between them. But it seems that CURA 4.0 does not accept backups from CURA 3.6. When I tried, I got a message: 'Tried to restore a Cura backup that does not match your current version'. Creating a new backup from 4.0 works, however.


    I've recently modified a few of my custom materials, and it's quite a bother to have to put them in one by one via the 'Import' option. I've tried to check within the CURA file, but I have absolutely no idea where the custom materials or profiles are stored within it.


    How can I do that restore and where are the custom materials and profiles stored?



  15. Bizarre. Maybe a bug in CURA then. I think there's a log file somewhere that might help, but I'm not sure where it is and this goes a bit beyond my knowledge.


    You could also try a reinstall, but do save your materials and profiles. You can now save it in the cloud, which is very practical and fast. Though I always do a secondary save on my external HD just in case. It's a bit longer, as you have to export each material and profile one by one, but better safe than sorry.

  16. 6 hours ago, Firepower said:

    3.  I load a STL file in Cura 4 and want to save as GCODE.  I am not now getting the Save coming up in the bottom right corner any more.


    Did you slice the STL? The 'Save' button comes up after you've sliced and allows you to save as gcode.

  17. J'ai entendu parler de ça, effectivement ça pourrait aider, mais je n'ai jamais utilisé S3D, et j'avoue être assez confortable avec CURA et le fait que ce soit l'environnement natif de ma UM3E. Mais il faudra que j'y jette un œil quand même, ou alors voir si quelqu'un arrive à développer un plug-in pour CURA qui fait pareil.


    Cela dit, en tout cas pour les quelques trucs que je modélise, je commence à modéliser aussi mes propres supports, ce qui fait aussi gagner du temps, du matériau et donc de l'argent, CURA ayant tendance à être assez généreux au niveau des supports. Ce qui n'est pas un mal d'un certain côté, mieux vaut un peu trop de support pour s'assurer d'une bonne impression qu'un poil pas assez de support et une impression raté.

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