I am getting exactly the same noise in the same situation.
It occurs when retraction is on AND the head moves from right to left. The sound does not occur during normal printing/extrusion and you can hear from your video that no noise when the head moves from left to right.
any ideas anyone?
I can't locate the source of the sound other than the general head area, no vibrations from the X Y axes.
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IRobertI 521
Something could be vibrating in the fan shroud such as the fans themselves, or the fan shroud against the rest of the print head. Try going into the tune menu and turn the fans off during a print and see if that makes a difference.
Next, try unscrewing the fan bracket and either remove it completely by disconnecting the fans (you'll likely have to screw apart the head slightly to get the connectors out as well) or hold it in your hand while doing a test print. If you go into the tune menu right after you start the print and turn down bed temp and nozzle temp you don't have to wait and it will also start "printing" without actually extruding any plastic.
If the noise still remains my money is on the bearings in the head (this was my first thought but the two things above are easier to check). I think those can be bought fairly inexpensively online. Or you might be able to convince Ultimaker to send you a new pair (your printer looks pretty old though).
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