Hi swordriff,
thanks for reply, but since my UM2 is fairly new and not used that often I doubt that this is the reason.
The filament does not move through the bowden but keeps inside the feeder case.
I found out that the filament gets curled between the feeder's knurled wheel and the bowden.
The feeder does not feed the filament through the bowden.
I took out both ends of the bowden and tried to feed the filament manually through.
The filament goes nice and smoothly through the bowden. Also if I re-insert the filmanet the feeder moves the filament up through the bowed up to the nozzle without any problem.
It seems that if the bowden is attached to the nozzle that too much pressure is needed to feed the filament through the heated nozzle and therefore the filament stucks right after the knurled wheel.
I read some threads here saying one should use a drop of oil inside the bowden, but I doubt that this will solve my case.
Maybe I should try a higher nozzle temperature to get less resistance from the nozzle?
Any ideas how to go ahead?
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swordriff 119
Flexy filament will easily curl up if your teflon piece is worn and has an inner lip..
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