I found that if they are all loose you can rotate them so the screws face the same way. But yeah, not the easiest to get to.
Thank a lot!
This worked perfectly. it prints better than ever!
That's great.
raz - please pick the "best reply" and mark it as so.
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IRobertI 521
I usually square things up by doing the following:
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Labern 775
Ultimaker have a stl that you can print to use to square everything.
You loosen all the pulleys, clip on the aligners then tighten the pulleys.
There is one on youmagine here
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IRobertI 521
What I don't like about those tools is that they're like USB ports. No matter which way you turn them, one screw is always out of reach. That's why I like doing it by eye. Then again, I have a few years of experience so that helps I guess.
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