Check your advance tab, under speed, and see if Infill is at 85mm/s. The advance speed overrides the basic speed if you have them set to non-0. (if you're using older cura)
If your basic speed is 30, and your infill is 85, it will cause all kinds of issues since 220 is too cool for 85mm/s and too hot for 30.
Try setting everything to 40mm/s on your next go in the advance tab except for initial layer speed.
Thanks! I'll try that next and let you know how it goes.
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valcrow 145
Check your advance tab, under speed, and see if Infill is at 85mm/s. The advance speed overrides the basic speed if you have them set to non-0. (if you're using older cura)
If your basic speed is 30, and your infill is 85, it will cause all kinds of issues since 220 is too cool for 85mm/s and too hot for 30.
Try setting everything to 40mm/s on your next go in the advance tab except for initial layer speed.
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