I took a look at the block and could see filament in the brass tube... So looks like I will be completely disassembling the hotend. After doing a lot of reading about ABS clogs, I decided to soak the nozzle in acetone, and that looks like what I will be doing with the other parts as well. I will leave them in their for 2 days and see if the clot has dissolved.
I will try to clean my bowden tube and install a filament sponge/duster, but I doubt that is the reason for all of the clogs. From what I have read, dirty filament (in this case I used brand new unopened ABS) and dirty bowden (my bowden probably could use a cleaning) can certainly make your clogging issues worse, but they only contribute to another primary issue causing the clogs.
In terms of my retraction settings in Cura, minimum travel (mm) = 1.5.
What do you think about my practice of manually extruding before a print?
Maybe I could be turning the wheel too fast and it causing filament to over fill the nozzle?
What about preheat settings, when I use the preheat ABS setting on the ulticontroller the nozzle heats up to 250C probably 10 minutes before the bed reachings 100C, maybe this is causing the filament to cook and harden?
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Dim3nsioneer 558
As I never used a hand torch for cleaning parts I can only give you some remarks on your first question.
As I see, you really exchanged the whole hotend. I assume you made sure that everything is mounted properly. That should exclude a clog higher up in the hotend, e.g. between nozzle and barrel.
Are you using any retraction length larger than 12mm?
Do you use any kind of dust filter for the filament entering the Bowden tube? If not, you may want to try this; I strongly recommend it.
Is the Bowden tube clean and clear? If you see traces of usage on the inside, you may want to replace it. If you want to clean the Bowden tube, you may use a pipe cleaning wire, dry or with some smoke-free oil on it to get a bit of lubrication.
I hope any of these remarks might help you.
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