ultimaker takes all the standard gcodes that reprap printers take. Ultimaker uses the marlin firmware and so the gcodes for marlin are well documented. If it works for any open source printer (like lulzbot or printrbot) then it will probably work as is on an Ultimaker. A few details - where is 0,0? For ultimaker 0,0 is in front left corner and all X,Y,Z,E values should be made positive. The limit for UMO (which has smaller bed) is about 225X225X205(height) so the center of the bed is half those X,Y values. Z=0 means nozzle is touching the bed.
This is a fantastic refernce and tells you which gcodes are supported by marlin:
Also keep in mind that E movements normally are in mm of filament but the UM printers use 3mm filament (actually 2.85mm) and other manufacturers use 1.75mm filament so you want to move the E disances MUCH smaller.
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SandervG 1,522
I could pitch in and help, but I think @Tinkergnome and @Gr5 know there way around this pretty well!
What I would change is disable layer for first 4 or 5 layers.
filament_diameter = 2.85
first_layer_temperature = 220
nozzle_diameter = 0.4 (if it is stock)
Most other things looked OK, or I didn't know.
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