I've made changes for 2.2 that should make it easier to write a plugin that connects with octoprint. As far as I'm concerned, Ultimaker hires Gina and starts really supporting it
I've made changes for 2.2 that should make it easier to write a plugin that connects with octoprint. As far as I'm concerned, Ultimaker hires Gina and starts really supporting it
As far as I'm concerned, Ultimaker hires Gina and starts really supporting it
Best idea I have heard in a while!
Just "thinking loud" about the connection to OctoPrint:
A nice way would be to "hook" in the save button/dropdown something like "Send to Octoprint".
The needed data (API-Key, IP-Adress ...) could be stored in a .cfg file in /profiles - like the material profiles (than with type = octoprint). If such a file (or even more) exists there will be additional entry(s) in the "Save" dropdown.
Would this possible or are my thoughts to utopic or to simple-minded ...
@berndjm: that is along the lines of what we have in mind as well. We just have to find the time to implement it.
Ideally, Doodle3d would work similarly.
Edited by GuestJust "thinking loud" about the connection to OctoPrint:
A nice way would be to "hook" in the save button/dropdown something like "Send to Octoprint".
The needed data (API-Key, IP-Adress ...) could be stored in a .cfg file in /profiles - like the material profiles (than with type = octoprint). If such a file (or even more) exists there will be additional entry(s) in the "Save" dropdown.
Would this possible or are my thoughts to utopic or to simple-minded ...
Someone just made a PR with a OctoPrint Plugin. I'm sure you want to test it.
Someone just made a PR with a OctoPrint Plugin. I'm sure you want to test it.
Didn't realy understand your message - maybe my english is not good enough :(
What is a "PR" ???
Didn't realy understand your message - maybe my english is not good enough :(
What is a "PR" ???
A "Pull request". It pretty much means that someone made a bunch of code and is requesting us to pull that code into our release.
Since Cura 2.x only supports UltiGCode and OctoPrint expects regular GCode this is not going to work at all. Or does it?
Huh? Cura 2.x supports rep-rap g-code as well. What makes you think it doesn't?
Because I haven't found a way to set it to reprap gcode. Where can you switch the flavour?
There is no UI for it, but it's possible if you change it in the machine definition file.
So maybe just use umo+ profile and edit the bed size?
There is no UI for it, but it's possible if you change it in the machine definition file.
That's way less than ideal. On the Mac the machine definitions are inside the Cura.app folder/binary so every time a new update comes along it would overwrite the manual changes. And besides, talk about user friendliness...
I assume most users would never guess that Cura 2.x does not support anything else than UltiGCode and if they happen to try OctoPrint - trouble is to be expected.
That's way less than ideal.
Never said it was ideal But like I said, there are people working on a in integrated octoprint plugin.
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thopiekar 46
Don't have OctoPrint installed, so I can't give you any details on that.
But you can join the conversation at https://ultimaker.com/en/community/6083-connect-to-octoprint-from-cura and discuss. I would love to hear whether it is working or not
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