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Posted · Material block the head

Hi to everyone

I’m new here and just get my Ultimaker.

I start printing a prototype on Friday evening (printing time 17 hours) and when I came back in the office Saturday evening the printing head was full of material!

How can that be? I cannot look 17 hours to control the ultimaker!

What can I do know? Is it an Ultimaker error?

How to move the material?

Thx for your support



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    Posted · Material block the head

    Ouch it leaked somehow.

    Most probably the nozzle wasn't tight enough?

    So first thing to do is clean the mess, can you still heat up the nozzle? (Go to maintenance -> Advanced -> Heatup Nozzle)

    If yes heat up to 220°c or 230°c and remove the plastic with tweezers or whatever tool you have. Pay attention to the two white cable in the back (heater and temp sensor).

    Then you probably need to take the nozzle away, heat up to at least 140°c and unscrew it

    Maybe you can do an atomic method or two before removing it.

    When everything is clean put the nozzle back (tighten it when hot, 140°c at least), don't overtighten, but make sure it's tightened enough (i'd advise to use the torque wrench you can find on youmagine to do this afterwards).

    Hope this helps!

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    Posted · Material block the head

    Just wondering. Did you readjust any of the x4 long screws on the top of the hotend? If not, that's just bad assembly. I would contact my seller so they take notice.

    If you remove all the leak, remember to check the steel coupler since it might have residue that won't let the ptfe coupler go fully in.

    @sandervg if this it's the second published case with um2+ hotend how many got ultimaker support team? https://ultimaker.com/en/community/20429-ever-seen-a-print-fail-this-bad-before

    Any new about publishing the tool/tutorial to adjust the hotend or new um2+ hotend assembly tutorial page like the one that explains the um2 non plus?


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    Posted · Material block the head

    THX a lot! just cleand the head and resart the printing!

    Comparing with the ulimaker 2 I m not happy with teh printing quality!

    any suggestions?



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    Posted · Material block the head

    Maybe you clean it but the leak still there. Any small leak will change the preassure in/out and will make weird thinks on the print.

    Anyhow that effect on first layer seems that the nozzle it's a bit too close to the bed and it's dragging filament.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    THX a lot! just cleand the head and resart the printing!


    I had a similar issue a few months back, and it wasn't the nozzle joint leaking for me. It was coming from the top of my Olsson block, where the metal isolator screws onto the Olsson block.

    The cause for my leak was a loose spacer above the PTFE coupler. If there's not enough pressure on that part (mine was a home made plastic cylinder, yours is the shiny metal cylinder in your pictures), then melted filament leaks and works its way through the isolator threads.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    THX a lot! just cleand the head and resart the printing!

    Comparing with the ulimaker 2 I m not happy with teh printing quality!

    any suggestions?



    How did the print turn out?

    You never print with an extra adhesive or glue or something?

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    Posted · Material block the head


    THX a lot! just cleand the head and resart the printing!

    Comparing with the ulimaker 2 I m not happy with teh printing quality!

    any suggestions?



    How did the print turn out?

    You never print with an extra adhesive or glue or something?


    I used the glue I got with the ultimaker!, Now i cleaned the glass. but still have some problems! not as shown in the picture!


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    Posted · Material block the head



    THX a lot! just cleand the head and resart the printing!

    Comparing with the ulimaker 2 I m not happy with teh printing quality!

    any suggestions?



    How did the print turn out?

    You never print with an extra adhesive or glue or something?


    I used the glue I got with the ultimaker!, Now i cleaned the glass. but still have some problems! not as shown in the picture!


    + I adjust the plattform, it seems resolved.


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    Posted · Material block the head

    For this orange print...did the filament leak downward from the nozzle assembly, or did the print detach and end up stuck on the printhead and flood upward? The red print from the link on April 7, looks like that one came off the bed, rather than leaking down, so I'm curious about which way this one happened.


    Just wondering. Did you readjust any of the x4 long screws on the top of the hotend? If not, that's just bad assembly. I would contact my seller so they take notice.

    If you remove all the leak, remember to check the steel coupler since it might have residue that won't let the ptfe coupler go fully in.

    @sandervg if this it's the second published case with um2+ hotend how many got ultimaker support team? https://ultimaker.com/en/community/20429-ever-seen-a-print-fail-this-bad-before

    Any new about publishing the tool/tutorial to adjust the hotend or new um2+ hotend assembly tutorial page like the one that explains the um2 non plus?



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    Posted · Material block the head

    I dont know! I was Printing during the night and found my Ulitmaker the next morning like this!!!

    The problem with the bubles as shown in the picture is still the same and also the fillemend sucks after 3-4 layer. Tried everything, glue, adujstment . . any suggestions?

    20160503_220918_resized.thumb.jpg.3460af30f7aad756c68aca91efea002c.jpg Sorry for the bad quality!




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    Posted · Material block the head

    It looks like the filament doesn't stick to the bed like it should.

    There are two solution, and perhaps a combination of both would work best.

    1: your bed is a little bit too low. Level it again but set it slightly higher as how you have levelled it now.

    2: use a thin layer of adhesive for extra adhesion, like the glue stick delivered with your Ultimaker.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    Since the print has a lot of edges and relatively thin parts, you could also turn on the brim setting under Platform Adhesion in Cura, and re-slice it.

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    Posted (edited) · Material block the head

    tried everything! stil the same problem!

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    Posted · Material block the head

    Have you turned the brim option on?

    What speed are you printing at?

    Is this PLA or ABS?

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    Posted · Material block the head

    Hi JakM,

    Thank you for staying with us.

    Could you share some photos with us showing your first layer?

    Perhaps your relevelling is still not hitting the sweet spot, so you did make another attempt but perhaps the execution did not have the solution yet.

    When I am unsure about my leveling, I usually test it by either use my finger or a tool like a screwdriver to gently wipe over the first layer and see if it moves. If it does it is still too low, if it is smooth and tightly stuck to the bed it should be good.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    Have you turned the brim option on?

    What speed are you printing at?

    Is this PLA or ABS?


    I`m using PLA with 15 top/bottom speed. 30 outside and 60 inside! First layer 20mm/s.

    what are you using for z-hop? which speed are you printing?

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    Posted · Material block the head

    The speed should be good then. I don't have a Z-hop set at all right now.

    With those speeds, your print should be adhering pretty well. Like SandervG said, the it's going to come down to leveling, and possibly some sort of adhesive.

    Did you clean your bed before starting the print? It won't adhere very well if the glass is dirty; you can clean it with a little soap and water, or some rubbing alcohol.

    A thin layer of gluestick, diluted with water should help with a print of this shape.

    The other thing you can check is whether the printer is in any sort of air flow from a fan vent. Generally PLA isn't too temperature sensitive, however, each of your layers is going to take a long time due to how much of the printbed this print covers, so you may want to make sure too much heat isn't getting out through the front of the machine or getting cooled off from above.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    I still wonder if you fixed the leak or if you only cleaned it. Carboniced residue might be stopping a new leak and changing the extrusion normal flow.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    The speed should be good then. I don't have a Z-hop set at all right now.

    With those speeds, your print should be adhering pretty well. Like SandervG said, the it's going to come down to leveling, and possibly some sort of adhesive.

    Did you clean your bed before starting the print? It won't adhere very well if the glass is dirty; you can clean it with a little soap and water, or some rubbing alcohol.

    A thin layer of gluestick, diluted with water should help with a print of this shape.

    The other thing you can check is whether the printer is in any sort of air flow from a fan vent. Generally PLA isn't too temperature sensitive, however, each of your layers is going to take a long time due to how much of the printbed this print covers, so you may want to make sure too much heat isn't getting out through the front of the machine or getting cooled off from above.


    Tried everthing, cleande the glass with alcohol, Then put a layer of gluestick. No fan around . . .

    Dont know what I can try next. Tried to prind the same file with an ultimaker and its perfect.

    Im asking about the Z-hop, because the nozzle is always screching the fillement when changing the position.

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    Posted · Material block the head

    I still wonder if you fixed the leak or if you only cleaned it. Carboniced residue might be stopping a new leak and changing the extrusion normal flow.


    i hope i fixed it. dont know how to check! there is no fillement coming out around the nozzle . . . . .

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    Posted · Material block the head

    If it's scraping across your print, then I would recommend increasing your Z-hop settings.

    If you turn the brim feature on, the main body of your print should be fine, and if anything warps, it should only be the brim. Do you have any photos of the print with the brim turned on?



    The speed should be good then. I don't have a Z-hop set at all right now.

    With those speeds, your print should be adhering pretty well. Like SandervG said, the it's going to come down to leveling, and possibly some sort of adhesive.

    Did you clean your bed before starting the print? It won't adhere very well if the glass is dirty; you can clean it with a little soap and water, or some rubbing alcohol.

    A thin layer of gluestick, diluted with water should help with a print of this shape.

    The other thing you can check is whether the printer is in any sort of air flow from a fan vent. Generally PLA isn't too temperature sensitive, however, each of your layers is going to take a long time due to how much of the printbed this print covers, so you may want to make sure too much heat isn't getting out through the front of the machine or getting cooled off from above.


    Tried everthing, cleande the glass with alcohol, Then put a layer of gluestick. No fan around . . .

    Dont know what I can try next. Tried to prind the same file with an ultimaker and its perfect.

    Im asking about the Z-hop, because the nozzle is always screching the fillement when changing the position.


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    Posted (edited) · Material block the head

    Hi JakM,

    Thank you for staying with us.

    Could you share some photos with us showing your first layer?

    Perhaps your relevelling is still not hitting the sweet spot, so you did make another attempt but perhaps the execution did not have the solution yet.

    When I am unsure about my leveling, I usually test it by either use my finger or a tool like a screwdriver to gently wipe over the first layer and see if it moves. If it does it is still too low, if it is smooth and tightly stuck to the bed it should be good.







    The strange thing, its always the same file, but in diffrenet places. the file is ok, i printed with an ultimaker2 and it was perfect.






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    Posted (edited) · Material block the head


    Thx to al of you!

    As i coudnt found a solution for the problems they took my Ultimaker back.

    The problem for the bad quality/problems was the glass table! it was curved , not totaly flat!

    thx again

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    Posted · Material block the head

    ohh luckily that is a rare occurrence. Is it fixed now? You can happily continue 3D printing?


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