ust to follow up on this : I don't think I was running the right version from GitHub; so between the marlin code version and the arduino version I was running into different issues. I took a step back and
-got the latest version of @tinkergnome 's geek_mode branch (17.10.1)
-changed a couple of paths:
--makefile : ARDUINO_INSTALL_DIR ?= /c/Arduino : ARDUINO_PATH=C:/Arduino
and now with Arduino 1.8.5 restored to that location (and all the previous configuration as per @gr5 's post I got a successful build of the hex files
Thanks again
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I downloaded that from sourceforge and it looks like the shell (called "terminal window") that is put in the start menu is just a shortcut to a BAT file which has :
So I just put a path environment variable to c:/MinGW/bin/ and then launch the command prompt window as normal. So I am not sure that mingw64 is needed.
However in the end I got the same error as I got when trying to build in the IDE
So Next I will be trying to revert to an older version of the Arduino compiler- I installed via Arduino IDE 1.8.5.
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