Thanks for the suggestions gr5. I didn't have all of the settings exposed for speed so I was only setting the print speed and travel speed (45mm/s and 250mm/s respectively). After exposing the other speed values this is what Cura had them set to:
Print Speed: 45
Infill Speed: 45
Wall Speed: 25
Outer Wall Speed: 17
Inner Wall Speed: 25
Top/Bottom Speed: 25
Support Speed: 17
Support Infill Speed: 17
Are you suggesting that I set all of these speeds to something like 30mm/s? As I'm already having issues with supports detaching wouldn't increasing this speed be problematic?
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gr5 2,267
First and foremost make sure the infill printing speed is the same as inner and outer shell speed. If the infill is faster then it builds up too much pressure and when it slows down for the outer shell you get issues like this. however this looks more like typical retraction stringing.
The easiest way to fix this is to just print even slower. Try 30mm/sec and again make sure *all* printing speeds are the same (travel speed should be fast - 150mm/sec is reasonable).
Other possible fixes if you want to push the speed a little faster would be to do thicker layer heights (just to save time) and cooler printing temperature (cooler filament means less leakage).
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