kmanstudios 1,120
I am not a sketchup user for a variety of reasons, but from what I have read on these forums, there is something to fix it. Searching the forums would be a good start as I see it posted a lot. I just do not pay attention as I do not use it. Maybe someone who deals with this can make a post and shortcut your process.
The reasons Peggy named are spot on though.
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peggyb 171
In SketchUp you have to be careful with the direction of your surfaces, what you see here is that there are some surfaces 'inside out', facing the wrong way, making your model 'not watertight'. Imagine folding a cube with double sided coloured paper, one colour faces outside, the other inside, yours has some mixed up. When you export your model, the software tries to connect all outsides and when some of them are facing the wrong way you get this weird vectors.
I am not a SketchUp user so search for this to get it right, there are also export plugins to detect problems.
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hampie42 0
Thanks PeggyP this sounds very likely to be the issue. I've got something to go on, if I find an answer elsewhere I'll post it here.
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