Hi gr5!
Thanks so much for your reply.
I have checked everything:
- I heard the "click" so the switch is right placed and is being hitted when returning home point.
- I checked the motherboard, and the cable is right connected.
- I have pressed the switch when homing (printer does not stop)
So, with this information, I think there must be some electrical failure :(
What am I supposed to do?
Thanks so much!
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gr5 2,224
The horrible sound is indeed an unpleasant sound but it will not damage your printer.
The problem is with your Y axis. It's somehow not hitting the limit switch. There are many possibilities. The most likely is that the thin rod that goes through the print head left to right is not sticking far enough out to the left to hit the limit switch. The limit switch is on the left wall of the printer. Try to find it visually. push the head to the back of the printer and you should hear a quiet "click" if it is working (except that it is not).
There are a few other possibilities - the switch could have a broken wire. The wire could be pinched under the left rear stepper cover - the white piece of metal. Or it even may have fallen out of the PCB. But most likely the limit switch is not being hit. You might even have to bend the switch a mm or so. Let us know what you find out.
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