In the beginning, Ultimaker even sold a flex PLA. I tried a number of Flex PLAs over time with more or less success. The more flexible the PLA is, the worst the results. NinjaFlex and similar do not work at all, but the less flexible ones can be used.
You have to tune the parameters though. I use extremely slow print speeds - 10mm/s usually - and no retractions if possible. It also helped me to lubricate the bowden tube with a little dash of WD-40.
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yellowshark 153
Hi I do not think your statement is 100% accurate. My understanding is that this applies to all Bowden tube printers, you really need a direct drive printer for this. But people on this forum have succeeded with flexible filament. I tried Colorfabb's nGenflex a year or so back; it was not too difficult to get it feeding through the Bowden tube drive system OK but I failed to get a decent surface finish and gave up.
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