Even if you control the temperature from the printer the gcode contains the
M190 S60
for every model start so even if you change the temperature it would at the start of each model reset the temperature to the one in the gcode. The M190 code specifies set to temperature and wait....
Actually Cura should not put this part of the startup code in for each model but only for the first. Or move the a save location (home) and then start the new model with all its settings. But that is thinking in solutions and I might be wrong.
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yellowshark 153
That is an interesting problem; I use "print one at a time" all the time and have never seen the problem you describe. I will assume you use an Ultimaker as you do not say otherwise; I do not use an Ultimaker. Also I use Repetier Host to control the printer and this allows me to override some of the gcode settings at any time during the print, including bed temp. ( come back to that in a moment). I had always thought that setting the bed temp. and waiting for the printer to arrive at that temp. was a one off initialisation step in the start gcode. What you are saying seems to suggest that Cura builds the gcode seeing each of the models on the bed as being a new print and so goes through this initialisation step for each model. I have never looked at the gcode for multiple models so I do not know if this is the case or not. No doubt one of the Cura programmers like @nallath could confirm one way or the other.
Can you control the bed temp. direct from your printer? You could set a lower temp. in Cura but override it which I am thinking would remove your problem.
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