Wow thanks man! I gave up all hope because no one replied :wink:
I'm going to print this fanduct and see how the results are. I think I'll add a rectangle to connect the two suspension pieces to make it thicker. Because this piece gets easily fatigued due to the vibrations. I can do that myself in TinkerCad
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blecheimer 9
Sorry for my late reply. I am a little bit busy at the moment...
I re-worked the right fan duct. Now it aims a little lower and has to be bolted onto the hot end. Use two M3 nuts and assemble the new fan duct to the very long bolts at the hot end.
New Right Fan Duct
I have not printed and tested this fan duct yet. Do not know it it fits - so you might give it a try and see if it works for you.
I hope I can re-model the left fan duct during the next weekend.
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