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How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?


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Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

Just for added information:


the print did start at the back corner ( A) for one layer and go in one direction. Then the nozzle would travel to the point (B) and go the other way. Alternating layers and directions each time.


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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Must say, kmanstudios, nice print. I'm more than sure I can tweak my settings and get it to print it as well, But printing a test piece and a much more complex model would be much different (at least I think so). I do appreciate your shot at printing this. I cannot open your project to peep out them settings used. But the reason for this thread, and the ultimate goal, was to print single walls. E.G. 1 pass. I hope ghostkeeper is right in hopes of future development in this issue. 


    I have tried slicing it with a heavier flow up to 150% but it still slices a 2 pass wall.  


    darkdvd, I have tried numerous settings on the line width as well as different model thicknesses as in your picture but it still bounces between an incomplete print and a 2 pass wall print.


    Sorry about your failed print, I recently had an X shift 3mm from completing a 28hr print. My fault, I had a jerry fix vs taking the time to permafix it. (weird because I had that issue on day 1, and after my minifix, I didn't have that issue until almost 1k print hrs). But you can measure the print height, edit the gcode, print the remainder and glue the pieces together, I'm going to have to sand mine down and do the same. lol


    Not to sound blasphemous here, is there a slicer that can achieve this? I do not intend to install any TO find out, but I will if one can. Until then Ill work in modeling for 2 full walls, or maybe 1.5 walls? Since (I now know) Cura forces the slice of the secondary wall, creating one thick enough so a higher flow than .1% would/should maintain sufficient prime.


    Thank you all for your time, filament, thoughts and knowledge! :)

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I didn't see there was a second page to the thread lol. So I missed the pic with the A/B. And that's very interesting, I would like to see the print path! My Z seam was always in the same spot, so if you had 2 spots alternating you maycould have a shorter distance between things helping prevent prime loss? Gots me thinking now *|

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I am not sure I understand. Your OP is that it is a problem and there is a bug and Cura is at fault.


    But, it prints, with no tweaking or special settings from Cura and you say you cannot open the project file. Why would that be? Older version of Cura?


    And, single wall prints are not difficult in my experience, but you seem to be having an issue. I am not doubting you have an issue, but I am at a loss as to why you would.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Yes.. The Title of this thread is to create single walled prints... Me.... As well as you, have created a 2-walled prints...


    Single wall... Single pass...


    Not backtracking, not creating a .0001% extra wall....


    I want a single wall......


    Yes I had issues printing this test piece due to a loss of prime.. I could also spend some time to overcome this issue with settings adjustments. But there would be no loss of prime issue if it was just a single pass..


    Your file opens in print studio, I've only installed it, I've never used it. Its blank and doesn't show anything.



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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    This is a single wall...I am not understanding you at all. The image I showed from before was a single wall print (The fractal flower) and then the test you were asking people to do, was a single wall.


    What am i missing?


    Print studio? It is a Cura file. It will open there.


    I think at this point I will bow out. I have done what you said could not be done. I have done it with the file you could not print. And now you are using print studio and not cura?

    Edited by kmanstudios
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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    If it was a single wall, there would be no reason to backtrack.


    Single wall, single pass.


    I'm not sure what part of that you don't understand.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    The way Cura works at the moment, when not using spiralize mode, all walls have to have an even number of lines. It modifies the flow of the second line to try and compensate for the overlap but the implementation has some issues and it doesn't do a perfect job. Until either the overlap compensation is fixed or the wall printing is altered to not try to print a zero-width second wall, it's gonna screw up one way or another.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I may be wrong, but AFAIK CuraEngine always generates (at least) one pass per shell. It doesn't matter, how thick the wall is designed in your model, it will ever have two shells (an inner and an outer face). That's not a bug, it's just the way the CuraEngine works.


    The only way to get a single pass for the outer wall is a completely solid model that you slice with "Wall line count"=1 (or "Spiralize") and with zero top and bottom layers and zero infill.

    That should be easy for simple geometries like shown here.

    Of course that's no solution for your "single pass" requirement if your models are getting more complex. In this case you can try different slicers (or re-write the CuraEngine... :p)


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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    If it was a single wall, there would be no reason to backtrack.


    Single wall, single pass.


    I'm not sure what part of that you don't understand.

    Single wall = one wall. No matter how it does anything. It is just one coil of material. All it did was change direction and move the Z-Scar. What part of that do you not understand?

    The only way in Cura to get get a single non-stop wall is to spiralize. But a single wall does not require nonstop action.

    Here is the difference between single wall and multiple walls: See the red? See the legend on the right? Red is the shell. That is one wall.

    See the Legend again? See the Green? That is the internal walls. That makes more than one wall. In this case 2 walls. See the settings? It says two walls in the panel on the far right. See the object that looks like an almond? It is thick enough to have two walls. See the yellow? That is part of the bottom and top layering. Your file has no bottom or top, so therefore no layering. Only one red wall.

    See the file you uploaded? It cannot have two walls. There is no green. That is because there is no second wall. Wait.....that is a single wall print! </George Takei>Oh Myyy...</end GeorgeTakei>

    Let us count the walls: 1 red wall. One = single.

    Single wall does not mean single pass. Single wall means NO OTHER WALL. Spiralize = single pass.


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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I dont care what the legend looks like. When you break down the gcode, it is extruding in the reverse direction 


    So im not sure how you think extruding in 2 directions on the same layer = a single wall..

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    53 minutes ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    I dont care what the legend looks like. When you break down the gcode, it is extruding in the reverse direction 


    So im not sure how you think extruding in 2 directions on the same layer = a single wall..

    Wow...argumentative ain't we.


    It is a single wall because one layer is directly on top of another. Not side by side. Again, I am bowing out. I am really not into being trolled by someone who wants to redefine things to suit their argument regardless of what things really are.


    BTW...are you a 'murican politician with alternative facts and other wierdness to bolster your arguments?

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Who said im trolling? Im just pointing out. The reason its so hard to see in the legend is because technically they are both outer walls. So they have the same color. An inner-outer wall and an outer-outer wall. They are just overlapped to the extreme. One path is getting the full extrusion, while the backtracking path is printing the remainder of the wall overlapped so heavy that the extrusion is in the single percentage.  E.G. 2 walls. 


    Everyone else can understand this alternative fact..


    At first i thought it was a bug, until a few have pointed out that this is how cura slices it.


    Im glad you can print an object with 2 heavy overlapping walls. But can you print an object with a single wall?

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Yes : spiralize

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    4 hours ago, darkdvd said:

    Yes : spiralize

    This has been mentioned. He is not interested. Even when he sees a single wall, he is not satisfied.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Spiralize creates a vase mode. Im not trying to print a vase. I have designed a model with A LOT of vase style walls, yet other parts of the print have thicker areas that do require infill. Spiralized will not slice the entire print correctly. Nor at the same time will Cura slice a single wall. Cura overlaps 2 walls.


    Here is a super quick test print I just whipped up to show the tool path. Simple square, I believe a .41 offset as well


    G1 F1800 X125.21 Y74.79 E0.08385
    G1 X125.21 Y125.21 E0.1677
    G1 X74.79 Y125.21 E0.25155
    G1 X74.79 Y74.79 E0.3354
    G0 F3600 X74.99 Y74.79
    G0 X74.8 Y74.8
    G1 F1800 X74.8 Y125.2 E0.33831
    G1 X125.2 Y125.2 E0.34123
    G1 X125.2 Y74.8 E0.34415
    G1 X74.8 Y74.8 E0.34707
    G0 F3600 X74.8 Y75



    As you can see, the "2" walls are not printed directly on top of each other. The first set of walls have a full extrusion path. And the second wall is printed ALMOST directly on top of the previous giving the appearance of a single-wall print. While only extruding the second wall at about 3.5% of the original wall.


    I can play with the wall thickness to get the 2nd wall extrusion to less than 1%. I believe that was with a .40075mm wall thickness. Yet cannot get Cura it to ignore and not print that 2nd wall. And of course, it all breaks down in the radius. As given thickness will slice a straight wall and the same thickness will have a chopped up radius.


    I was just looking to print single walls, yet not a vase mode. Outside of vase mode I have not seen a single walled print.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I was just looking to print single walls, yet not a vase mode. Outside of vase mode I have not seen a single walled print.


    As mentioned above, Cura simply cannot do single wall prints. It has to print the walls as pairs.


    As a workaround, I will put together a PR that suppresses wall lines where the flow is less than some percentage and if it is merged you will be able to play with that in the future.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Hi @Modified_Gemini, do you have a sample STL, I could work on, please? Something that has a combination of single walls and thicker sections. Thanks.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    If your net effect is a single physical wall, what is the problem? This is what I printed in cross section. Regardless of the path or laying down lines, it came out to a single stacked set of lines as illustrated. Until I mentioned the stop and start points, and looking at the print I did make, he saw a single wall. When I made this slice for the illustration, I played with the start and stop by way of s-seam settings and all it did was go back and forth and did not start and stop at different locations. Again, the physical effect is a single wall.


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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    OK, I have whipped up some experimental code and can now specify that lines that have a flow less than a certain percentage can be replaced with a travel move. Here's a screen shot showing one of your D shapes. It's printed as a single wall  with no "phone dial" movement. In the settings you can see a new setting called Minimum Wall Flow which has been set to 30%.


    Could you please provide another STL file that has a combination of thin walls and thicker walls and, ideally, a wall that tapers from thin to thick. Thanks.




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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I cobbled together a file that starts as his original example and then gets thicker at the top. This is the slice:



    And this is the STL file.



    It still has the phone dial motion, but it is laying only one layer wide down at the thin parts and then widening out to multi-line. Again, I am seeing the phone dial effect, but only the single wall, so I am having an issue understanding the net difference in what you would get on the buildplate.

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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    The problem may be under-extrusion due to the 30% extrusion rate to 100% for the new layer.

    Edited by darkdvd
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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Hi Eric, that's great, thanks. It works as expected, in the thin wall section, it omits the second wall and as the wall thickens it starts including the extra walls.


    What I would also like is an STL which have walls varying in thickness on the same layer (i.e. the thickness change is in the horizontal rather than the vertical). Even better, something that goes from thin->thick in both the horizontal and vertical directions.





    Edited by burtoogle
    Added another image.
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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I printed one of those D shapes and it came out very nicely. Just went round and round 25 times. Hard to get my phone to focus but here's a picture...



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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    5 hours ago, smartavionics said:

    Hi Eric, that's great, thanks. It works as expected, in the thin wall section, it omits the second wall and as the wall thickens it starts including the extra walls.


    What I would also like is an STL which have walls varying in thickness on the same layer (i.e. the thickness change is in the horizontal rather than the vertical). Even better, something that goes from thin->thick in both the horizontal and vertical directions.





    I can do that...give me a few..... Just woke up :)

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