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Scalable extra prime


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Posted · Scalable extra prime

Having realised that one issue with my prints is oozing after travel moves I configured the standard priming feature to great effect. I then realised that I was having additional oozing after large travel distances. This isn't so noticeable when you're using small nozzles, but becomes far more of an issue with bigger ones as the voids left are rather more significant.


Upon searching I discovered that the scalable extra prime add-on existed and I readily installed it but hit upon a snag. The settings do not show up when enabled.


Initially I tried this with Cura 3.2.1 and after having problems discovered that the 3.3 beta existed, so I tried that and still the problem persists.


In my Cura print setup the tick box to enable 'Scalable Extra Prime' appears, but when I select it the additional settings do not show up. They should do, as I've made sure that they are set to be displayed in the overall settings, but whatever I do, no dice, no settings appear when I enable scalable extra prime.


I'm working with a Creality CR-10.


I've tried creating a new CR-10 profile and this doesn't help either. I've tried looking at the default settings that Cura creates for the CR-10 and can't really see anything there that would prevent them from showing up either. Is there something I am missing here or could try? It seems odd that the tick box to enable SEP shows up, but when enabled, the extra settings to not.


Many thanks,



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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    No ideas.  I have been 3d printing with ultimakers for 5 years and figured out how to stop the leaking long ago (for example print cooler and slower)


    I've never needed extra prime and don't know what "scalable" extra prime is for.  I never liked the extra prime feature - it implies you are leaking in the first place or something else is wrong with your hardware.

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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    Well I would say I'm not the only one with this problem as someone went out of their way to create a plug-in specifically to solve it.


    The plug-in should work, it's even one of the bullet points, worth a mention, for the beta 3.3 version. The trouble is simply that when enabled the settings do not appear on the configuration panel.


    The leaking may have been solved for you but when using large diameter nozzles the problem becomes significant. I didn't even notice it occurring with my 0.4mm nozzle, but with the 0.8mm, yup, which makes sense.


    It's not even really the oozing that's the problem, its when the print nozzle moves over an already printed area, skimming over the surface, the material just within the nozzle gets drawn/wicked out onto the print. The printer then goes to print in the new area, assuming that material is flush with the nozzle exit hole, but it's not. So prints nothing for a short distance.


    Extra prime is for priming a little bit of extra material into the nozzle to make up for the bit that was lost during the travel and it works really well. The trouble is you need to prime different amounts depending on the distance travelled and this is what the 'scalable' part of the plug-in solves.

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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    Hi, you can try search it. Four of It showed up right after I typed "prime". I changed the "Max Extra Prime" value to 1 (was 0 before which I think It wouldn't work). It does modify the G-code. For the calculation probably you already knew it from GitHub:


    extra filament = ((actual_travel - min_travel) / ( max_travel - min_travel)) * (max_prime - min_prime) + min_prime



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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    I'm linking the concept but for me I need the setting to be made specific to combing and other travel moves not related to retraction

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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    Welp.. It seems there's a horrible bug in this plugin. It also modify extrusion values in the "End G-Code" lines. It adds the retraction value (E-2 and E-3 in my setting) with the last offset value (116.58898 in this case).
    For me, I'll delete the retraction command (E-2 and E-3) from the "End G-Code" to fix this.

    I hope this would not happen to others ^^




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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    I noticed this same bug.  I didn't realize what was causing it until reading this post.  Sure enough... disabling the extra prime stopped the glob of filament being extruded at the end of my prints.

    This plugin is very useful for prints with very large travels so hopefully they can figure out a way to not make it apply to the end gcode.

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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    I noticed this same bug.  I didn't realize what was causing it until reading this post.  Sure enough... disabling the extra prime stopped the glob of filament being extruded at the end of my prints.

    This plugin is very useful for prints with very large travels so hopefully they can figure out a way to not make it apply to the end gcode.


    EDIT: To add to this... I wonder if the extra filament should be based on time and not on distance traveled.  I use the feature that lifts the head if the minimum time is not met for a layer.  Depending on the settings it could pause for a few seconds up to 9 (for some filaments).  It only travels a short distance when it moves the head out of the way and back again but the time is long enough for filament to ooze out more than with the same amount of travel without a pause.  I wonder if there is a way to base the extra prime amount on time instead of distance?


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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    I have the same problem as the first post of this threat.. any solution yet

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    Posted · Scalable extra prime

    I have also this problem. Filament is coming out while travaling over areas. This amount is missing at new start up. It's funny no one's ever noticed...

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