I've decided to print from SD cards again since the direct connection to cura via usb is no longer reliable ?
I see I'm not the only one with this problem. I created a post about this yesterday. I've also had it unload the filament mid print job. It seems so random. I went back to using v2.7 and it works fine. Mine is printing to a Mk2s via USB.
I just updated to this version and my printer has stopped mid print on 3 different prints and goes to home position filement is not jammed using sd card ect
18 hours ago, ddutch13 said:I just updated to this version and my printer has stopped mid print on 3 different prints and goes to home position filement is not jammed using sd card ect
Are you saying you are having this trouble running your print from the SD Card?
i use a sdcard all the time to print, I found out its the new version of cura i went back to older version and it prints the whole part without stopping
Thanks for the info. I thought it might be a USB problem but with your information it's not limited to USB. Thanks again.
i just downgraded to cura 3.3.1 and am in the middle of a 5 hour print, so far so good ?
Update: I printed a 12 hour job overnight and it printed completely without any issues. Stick with cura 3.3.1 if you're having problems.
Edited by hekgI had the same issue with 3.4, i came home and my print had stopped before it was finished and retracted the filament back 30-40 cm's or so in the Bowden tube.
That has never happened before and I have been using Cura since the old 12. Versions
I'm surprised we haven't received a response from cura.
I downloaded the newest version on Windows 10. Had many issues. Went back to version 3.3.1 and started having the print not finishing completely problem. Ran great on Windows 8.1. I'm wondering if if it's a Windows 10 compatibility issue.
- 9 months later...
I had the same problem before when I try to Print via USB ... I solved it by doing this:
1- Disable Z Hop When Retracted.
2- Enable Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling.
3- Set Combing Mode to: Not in Skin.
The above 3 settings are found under Travel.
In addition to the above solution, and in case your printer is any of Creality CR series, then I advice to set these:
Under Material:
1- Set the Retraction Distance to 6.5 mm.
2- Set the Retraction Speed to 40 mm/s.
Under Speed:
1- Set the Print Speed to 40 mm/s ... Never go above 40 mm/s.
2- Set the Infill Speed to 40 mm/s also.
3- Set the Outer Wall Speed and Inner Wall Speed both to 20 mm/s.
4- Uncheck Equalize Filament Flow.
5- Uncheck Enable Acceleration Control.
6- Uncheck Enable Jerk Control.
Under Infill:
1- Check Connect Infill Lines.
2- Check Infill Before Walls.
In case you wanted to use a raft, then under Build Plate Adhesion:
1- Set the Raft Air Gap to to 0.2 mm.
2- Set Initial Layer Z Overlap to 0.2 mm.
These settings will improve your print quality a lot, but it will increase the print time ... These are the best settings for any Creality CR series printers.
Try my advice, and let me know if your print quality is improved.
Edited by samir17864- 7 months later...
Hi I have a Anycubic I3 mega S. I updated my Cura and got exactly this problem. Checked all the machine settings and levelled the bed just to make sure it wasn't a machine problem. still some prints worked and others failed.
Going to download 3.3.1 and see if that works.
I always print using the SD card.
- 1 year later...
I'm a new-to-3d user of Cura 4.8.0.. Looking for a solution to this issue...
- 4 months later...
I'm using Cura 4.9.1 with Creality Ender 3 V2 and had a long print job end prematurely at 13.4mm of 16mm total height. Estimated print time from Cura was 10 Hr 35 min and job ended at 10 hours and 23 min. It is typical that my print jobs on the Ender 3 V2 take a few minutes less than Cura estimate. But I have not had any print jobs end (as if the print job was complete) without the full job being printing.
I realize this is an old thread and is addressing problems encountered in much older versions. Curious if anybody else is having such issues in current version and how they solved it.
- 3 weeks later...
Same here. I have a Pyramid A`1. Owned A8, Tevo, Prusa, etc. Always used Slic3r. Tring to got with Cura. But a lot of crashes and stopped jobs.
4.9.1 is the version. Prints with Repiter/Slic3r, locks up 50% of the time with Cura. I just changed out cable, shorter one. I tried to move to another machine (Dell) and USB would not work. I did load the adafruit this time. Will not do that again, the USBs should work from Windows/Microsoft just fine.
Will all mentioned here and report if I find a fix for me.
- 2 months later...
I have a similar problem. Just upgraded to 4.10.0 so as to have tree supports. But, near as I can tell, the print stops (I think) when the printer starts printing where the tree support touches the plate. I've tried to print the same file generated by CURA 4.10.0 twice. And the printer stops at the same spot both times. I'm going to try CURA 4.10.0 once more w/ordinary supports and report back here.
... follow up. Instead of trying normal supports, I saw there was a CURA 4.11.0 available. So I upgraded and am trying tree support again.
Well, the print has gotten past the point where it was failing before. So it looks like things are better. Also, I noticed that the computer had a problem mounting the SDCard the seconds time. Indicating I may have pulled the SDCard out before the file was completely copied over the first go around. So it may not have been a CURA problem. Unless I've another print failure, I'll leave it at that & assumed I didn't un-mount the SDCard properly.
- 2 months later...
Interesting. I googled this, as I suddenly are starting to have the same issue. Since this problem does not seem to be a version issue, did have a problem before with this version of Cura (4.11.0), I think it must be a different issue.
My latest files are quite large and I also have saved a project that I come back to where I place objects to print one at a time. Since the project file is quite large with a lot of files that are kept out of the print the project-file has grown in size. Seems to me the issue might be that large files or files are not being properly downloaded to the card before ejecting them.
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amagro 3
I'm also had for two times this issue only with long prints.
On the bigger gcode that I send, the stop printing happens between the 174 and 178 mm.
It's very inconsistent since I had a lot of smal printers without any problems.
Cura 3.4.1 Fail Print.zip
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