yellowshark 153
Hi @phil_O_matic, well I am sure we have all tried different things over the years. What has been working really well for me for some time now is...
1. Squish the 1st layer down well, i.e. reduce the distance between the nozzle tip and the print bed
2. keep the 1st layer extruder temp the same as the normal print temp.
3. You are going to get over extrusion now - set the 1st layer flow to 70%; I then move the flow back to 100% over the next two layers.
Now none of this is done via gcode. I use Repetier Host to print my models and the GUI allows you to modify flow and temps , speed etc almost instantaneously. It takes some seconds but my guess is that maybe it has to flush the buffer before the changes take effect; only a guess I have no idea. I set the flow to 70% before starting the print. Oh and I print 1st layer at 20mm/s
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burtoogle 516
Hello @phil_O_matic, There is a setting in the Material section called "Initial Layer Flow". Normally, it's set to 100% but you can crank it up to increase the amounts extruded.
Also worth trying is using a heated bed and printing on blue tape rather than a shiny surface.
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