Just to mention it, it is a shame that after carefully formulating an email and sending it to the address provided by Ultimaker, there is only an automatic response, which in effect says "f*** your email and your problem, contact a reseller". This is not how support for a 6k€ machine and its materials works, especially as the resellers are clueless more often than not. I have a problem with an *Ultimaker* product, not with something a reseller can do something about! You know, I don't think they will open, dry, and repackage filament!
EDIT: OK, so I have checked our remaining TPU stock, as I don't want to have any more unpleasant surprises. Some have a kind of inner packaging (but not the robust one like the Nylon or PC spools, but just shrink-wrap again), and others don't. I really hope that the ones that have it are the newer ones and the problem has been addressed. My evaluation of the Ultimaker "support" remains, and after this I'm hesitant to recommend buying more Ultimaker products to my company. With our FormLabs printers, the excellent direct support they offer has saved us much headache and money, while with Ultimaker products the only thing you seem to be able to get, apart from this forum with its very competent members, are automated "look somewhere else, don't bother us" emails...
Edited by P3D
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P3D 46
Here are some pictures of one of the affected parts. You can clearly see the filament switch, after which the print quality drops off a cliff, figuratively speaking... Remember, this was a brand-new roll of Ultimaker TPU95A filament.
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