QuoteYes, it has a z offset adjust feature.
Okay, I found the usual "adjust buildplate". When I go to expert functions, there is also a feature called "adjust z position". I chose that and the i can adjust the buildplate. but only for one nozzle. Shouldn't that start the adjust position twice? Like one time for every nozzle? How am I supposed to get two values?
I know that I can adjust the x- and y-offsets in cura. But not z...
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conny_g 251
Tinkergnome has added a power budget feature that allows to limit / prioritize the power usage between bed and the heads. With that I think it's not necessary to change the power supply.
But it's also possible to upgrade the power supply. I have done that and I have used this: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/Top-Qualit-t-24-V-15A-3D-Prnter-Ultimaker2-Netzteil-F-r-Ultimaker-2-UM2-Erweiterte/32832288123.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.77204c4dDxlATR
LOL, the 35W heater has 10W more power. SCNR. It has lower resistance, draws higher current so it heats up more. It gets the same voltage.
Yes, there are 50W heaters, I have replaced my heaters with these and the heads heat up really quickly.
Yes, it has a z offset adjust feature.
https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1)/Main Board V2.1.1.pdf
on page 5 you find the silk screen print of the board and see that the 5V fan is J34.
On page 9 in the circuit schemas you find that J34 is connected directly to 5V, there is no PWM regulation or anything.
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