I am having hte same issue running Cura 4.6.1 on a Win 7 laptop.
If you are still using Windows 7 you might have a bigger (security) issue than a crashing Cura. I would not expect any Ultimaker person to fix something on Cura that makes an EOL Windows version crash.
4 hours ago, Dim3nsioneer said:If you are still using Windows 7 you might have a bigger (security) issue than a crashing Cura. I would not expect any Ultimaker person to fix something on Cura that makes an EOL Windows version crash.
I'm sorry to have troubled you. I thought this would be a forum where noobs like me could come for answers to problems. I am well aware that Win7 is EOL and I was not looking for software developers to 'fix' anything.
When I asked a similar question about PrusaSlicer, I was informed that it was likely to do with my graphics chip and then offered a possible workaround, which, in fact, worked perfectly for me. I was simply hoping that there was a similar solution for Cura.
I am new to 3D printing, but not new to trying things and sometimes having to use alternate settings.
BTW, I am sure you will cringe to know that I still have 6 computers running XP in my household as well.
The newest windows operating system on a computer that I own in my house is windows 7. I have 2 such computers. They are not my most-used computers but they are used almost every day. My wife has a "work laptop" that has some newer version (probably 10? or is it called windows X? I don't even care to know). XP is the newest version of windows that I really liked. I have it on some virtual boxes only. For security reasons they get wiped back to reference each time I restart the virtual box so if one gets infected with something it goes back to it's previous state quickly.
It's unlikely for the XP machines to get infected since they are behind 2 firewalls and never run a web browser.
Anyway, @sledjunk - to your issue. The answer is almost always in the log file. In the cura log file. I'm not sure where that is on windows, sorry. Perhaps %appdata%/cura/?
Thanks. I'll look for the log and see if I can find a solution.
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nallath 1,125
Could you create a bug report on github and fill in the template? We need a bit more information to diagnose the issue.
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