When the printer slows down for the corners, the pressure in the nozzle is still high and so it overextrudes. Basically anytime the head slows down it overextrudes and anytime it speeds up it underextrudes. And it has to slow down for corners.
The fix is to disable accel and jerk control (so it spends less time on the corners and accelerates the hell out of there).
Also lower the print speed. I find 35mm/sec is pretty good but 25mm/sec is even better. You can experiment in the TUNE menu and play with the feedrate % and keep notes and get lots of data on just one cube.
However disabling accel and jerk control will increase ringing and that red cube above has an X with some shadows/ringing.
So you can compromise and leave the accel/jerk control at defaults and instead just slow down the print.
Also it's good to keep all infill and shell speeds at the same. As I said before, every speed change is a problem.
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whero 0
I also have an issue with rounded corners that are more prominent now than I remember them to have been previously. Might be related to latest firmware, and when comparing old test cubes printed with pervious verions they don't show the same issues.
Anyhow, i found this thread and increasing wall acceleration and lower wall jerk seems to have helped a little for me.
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