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Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available


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Posted (edited) · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

Hi folks,

I am a very satisfied user of this appimage version from a little over a year ago, a real gift, thanks!  I have downloaded a couple of the newer versions to try as Cura is always evolving but there is a UI problem.  Could be just local on my Raspberry Pi but any hints very welcome.


The regular Cura nav bar text is not visible just a black background.  This is on both drop down menus and all of the buttons, just a black over black background.  I can activate menu or button functions but it's not practical if I can't read any text!

Is this a setting or dependency issue?  I tried to change "UI theme" but no better.  Any ideas?


Thanks in advance


Edited by GryKyo
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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available



    Can you please provide a little more information on your setup.


    what versions of RaspberryPi are you using?


    what Operating System (and version) are you using?


    how is the memory split setup on your Pi?


    are you running the app image as admin (sudo)?


    which profile if any did you choose in Cura?


    have you tried resetting all the settings? (I think there’s a folder In you home directory(.config/Cura) ???


    it runs very well on a 4B, Buster with 128 memory split, although menus can take a second or two to load!

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available
    5 hours ago, QBall1977 said:



    Can you please provide a little more information on your setup.


    what versions of RaspberryPi are you using?


    what Operating System (and version) are you using?


    how is the memory split setup on your Pi?


    are you running the app image as admin (sudo)?


    which profile if any did you choose in Cura?


    have you tried resetting all the settings? (I think there’s a folder In you home directory(.config/Cura) ???


    it runs very well on a 4B, Buster with 128 memory split, although menus can take a second or two to load!

    Thanks QBall77

    Hopefully this will give you a better idea:

    Raspbery Pi Model 4 B+  2GB  (though it was the same on an 8GB)

    Raspbian Buster updated and fully upgraded before this

    Version info:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/os-release
    PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
    NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
    VERSION="10 (buster)"
    Logged into the machine as default Pi user, launched by user Pi

    Appimage started from X11 desktop. Permission set "All users may execute"

    Memory split :  tried 128 and 256MB but same with both

    I have reset Cura to default and re-configured

    Printer profile set to suit my Creality Ender 3, default


    Here's an image of the UI, all the buttons and menus are just black background. A user interface problem but not sure how this is built or created?



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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available



    Thanks for that, it all look brilliant and very informative.  There's nothing I can obviously think of that would be causing the icons to not display.


    I have had weird issues when using some other programs and then using Prusa Slicer and Cura, e.g. I used Blender 2.79 on the pi to do basic modelling, if then leave the design open and try either of the slicers it doesn't always work.  But by the sounds of it you'll have tried running it with nothing else in the background.


    What resolution are you running 1080? or 4k?  I don't have a 4k monitor so can't test.


    Did you backup your profile and delete the folder and contents of /home/pi/.config/cura?


    You could also try invoking the appimage with a set 'settings' folder using

    ../some/path/to/my.AppImage --appimage-portable-config

    Other than that I'm out of ideas.  Sorry.


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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    I have been searching for installing Cura on a Pi 4 everywhere and finally found it!


    One downfall, I am very new to these programs and don't reallt know what I am doing. Is there a write up that would help walk me through the process?


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    These guys have built a Linux "appimage".  This is like a .exe file in windows, you can execute an app image. 

    You should download the latest stable .appimage file.  Right mouse click on the file and open the properties.  Look for permissions and change the "can execute" to either your user account or everybody as appropriate.  You can then run the Cura program. 

    I am curious to see how you get on as I have had a few issues with recent releases. 




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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Thanks for this, I will give it a try later this weekend.

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    Posted (edited) · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Hello chaps,

    I've been getting into the modern era and have a handful of Pi 4B's, I have an 8GB beast as my 'desktop' workhorse, which I was hoping to use for some basic CAD & modelling (in addition to the usual office productivity and a spot of oolite when I get an hour or two free). Another hosts my TronXY 3D printer and webcam for monitoring, I have yet another set aside as a media/storage/backup vault.

    So, I got my 3D Printer host up & running with the Cura Experimental & Mesa combo, very nice; but when it came to running the same Cura Experimental appimage on the desktop replacement Pi, it was a no-go. I'm not an expert with *nix - but equally I'm not entirely a NOOB, having used and sys admin'ed quite a few *nix boxes over the years. I consider the command-line my natural environment 😉

    Tonight I had another crack at getting the latest appimage up & running and lo and behold, the angels sang for me... Works great, runs smooth, screen refresh is way better than the all-in investment suggests it SHOULD be.

    So, MANY MANY thanks for wrangling the magic-pixies for us all, is there any hope/expectation/time-line for a 64bit version in the near/mid-term future?



    Virtual beverages to you sir 🙂





    Edited by richfbk
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    Posted (edited) · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available
    QSGTextureAtlas: texture atlas allocation failed, code=501

    I am still getting the blacked out menus and buttons.


    Looks like this:

    Mystery Black WIndow problem


    Does anybody recognize this error and does it look like a missing dependency or something else you think I can easily remedy. 


    I am above my wheelhouse building software so not sure what's wrong?




    Edited by GryKyo
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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available
    On 9/16/2020 at 10:45 AM, GryKyo said:
    QSGTextureAtlas: texture atlas allocation failed, code=501

    I am still getting the blacked out menus and buttons.


    Looks like this:

    Mystery Black WIndow problem


    Does anybody recognize this error and does it look like a missing dependency or something else you think I can easily remedy. 


    I am above my wheelhouse building software so not sure what's wrong?





    I just signed up to let you know that you solved the problem.  Reading the link you provided about the Mystery balck window problem he provides a few things to try.  


    I got it working by typing this: 


    export MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE="-GL_EXT_bgra -GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888" 


    before running cura.  My black box problem is fixed!  


    I'm not sure why our Rpi versions are having this issue?  I'm using the 4GB Rpi4 at the moment, with very little installed.  It is updated to the very latest.

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    Posted (edited) · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available
    17 hours ago, demod said:


    I just signed up to let you know that you solved the problem.  Reading the link you provided about the Mystery balck window problem he provides a few things to try.  


    I got it working ...


    You are an absolute legend (if this works and no reason it should not!) 😁


    I am in work now but will try this as soon as I get home as there is a lot of new functionality in the last year of releases and it will keep all of the machines I print from closer in terms of Cura versions


    Many thanks




    EDIT:  Thank you very much demod!  It works and I am now printing a test from Cura 7.4.1

    For those who may have the trouble I launched the .appimage as follows after a few different incorrect commands:  

    export MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE="-GL_EXT_bgra -GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888"&&./Cura.Appimage


    Edited by GryKyo
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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    I have a pi 4 4gb and have downloaded the following:-




    but I have no idea what to do next.

    Can you take me through the steps required to get cura on my raspberry pi?

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    I bought a Pi4 with the idea to maybe use Cura on it.
    Today I installed the Raspberry OS, before eventually using Ubuntu.


    I had hopes when reading this topics !
    And I can share that the latest Appimage seems to work just fine, well done ! :)

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    You should only need the appimage file.  There is no installer - you just execute that file.  ".appimage" on linux is like ".exe" on windows.  It just runs as is.


    But you need to set the execution bit so start a terminal window, locate the file on your ras pi (something like "cd Downloads") and do:

    chmod 774 Cura-mb-master-armhf-20201111.AppImage

    Then to run it do:


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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available


    Thanks for that. 

    Followed your execution procedure, and got to Ultimaker Cura, but on the way the following errors were  bisplayed on the terminal


    QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009
    Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: Unable to get the locale encoding
    ImportError: bad magic number in 'encodings': b'\x17\r\r\n'


    What corrections do I need to make ?

    Thank you

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available


    To update my last post the following is the full extent of the session with Cura.

    I was able to load a 'stl' and slice it successfully with the appropriate settings for the printer .

    Octoprint loaded the file ok .


    pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents $ ./Cura-mb-master-armhf-20201111.AppImage

    Found libGLESv2
    Attribute Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpenGL must be set before QCoreApplication is created.
    QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009
    qml: TableViewSelection: index out of range
    Case insensitive sorting unsupported in the posix collation implementation
    Numeric mode unsupported in the posix collation implementation
    Case insensitive sorting unsupported in the posix collation implementation
    Numeric mode unsupported in the posix collation implementation
    ................(repeats of above during session).............
    content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
    /tmp/.mount_Cura-moAYsYx/usr/bin//cura.sh: line 40:  8085 Segmentation fault      cura "$@"

    pi@raspberrypi:~/Documents $ 

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available
    7 hours ago, raspgraph said:

    QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009
    Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: Unable to get the locale encoding
    ImportError: bad magic number in 'encodings': b'\x17\r\r\n'

    Yeah I get errors all the time in the console window but I ignore them as cura seems to work fine.  Here are my errors for today:


    geo@geo-Wild-Dog-Pro:~/Downloads$ ./Cura-mb-master-20190424.AppImage 
    qml: TableViewSelection: index out of range
    qml: TableViewSelection: index out of range
    Trying to create a QVariant instance of QMetaType::Void type, an invalid QVariant will be constructed instead


    I assume windows people get errors also but they are probably in the log file so they don't notice.

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    I'm Using Mint 18.04 on My Pi4B, everytime i open the .appimge the program runs for 10 second then ends, no erros or amything

    #1 YES i checked "RUN as Program"

    #2 YES i have the required libraries



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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Try running it from a "terminal" window so you can see the error messages.

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    By the way, @burtoogle hasn't posted in the forum for 6 weeks (which is a lot for him).  But he's still alive as he's still doing stuff on github.

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Has anyone tried installing a 64 bit os on a pi and then installing the normal linux cura? 

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Well now I know why noone has done it, it doesnt work

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    The "normal linux cura" is built for x64 (Intel / AMD) processors. Installing the 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS does not change that the Raspberry Pi has an ARM processor, instead of an Intel / AMD processor.

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    Yes, i figured that out when it didnt work. I'm admittedly confused though. The Raspberry Pi 4 processor is a 64 bit arm v8 processor. Can anyone eli5 why x86 architecture can run a program that arm v8 can't?

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    Posted · Experimental Cura build for Raspberry Pi 4 now available

    "x86" and ARM are very different. To put it in a somewhat limited analogy, even if they are both capable of doing math, they don't use the same notation. In other words, they speak different "languages".

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