Actually, it was the PLA that not is not being extruded for the first layers, while using the latest edition of cura.
I tried the print again with cura 3.6 and it seems that everything works fine now. I'll come back with updates when the print is finished.
Basically, before, The PVA was being printed, but the first few layers of PLA were not. The printer was just printing air. After a few layers, the PLA started printing as well.
However, with 3.6, so far the PLA is being printed from the first layer, so I hope this print goes well.
Thanks for the reply.
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Enigma_M4 125
Hi Cosmin,
if I understood you correct, the PVA is not extruded from extruder 2 when it should be (you wrote PLA is not extruded in dual extrude mode)?
This sounds like the PVA is retracted to much at the beginning of the print.
You could try to activate the "prime blob" and the "prime tower" in Cura.
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