Yes I meant PLA..... I couldnt change it after posting. The pics are what I want to achieve. I can't have any lines or they have to be very small. Currently I spray prints with body filler spray paint and sand off smooth.
I don't know what an ideal layer size or print speed is? Does PLA give the best finish or another material? Im doing a print now on .1mm @ 45 print speed. I'll post how that turns out.
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gr5 2,265
It depends what area you want to improve but my first advice is to use PLA which looks better and is stronger. In those photos those parts look 100% operfect - I can't see any defects. I think the photo is a bit underexposed. Note that shiny black filament shows up defects more than any other color. Flat black shows very little defects. If you must use shiny filament try a light color (but not white which is harder to print regardless of material).
General advice for improving quality is to print at half speed. But it depends on your particular issue.
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