Yeah I got Cura but I havent read the manual yet. It is awesome if I can preview the result. Need to try it. I can also give you the file of this model but first I need to finish it. Will take few more days as I am doing it in my free time. Btw, do you know the best optimal polycount ? I am about to decimate it in zbrush but I am not sure how far I should go with poly reduction. Is it ok to have few millions of polys ?
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3dcase 37
Hi there Helsinki, welcome.
woohw, not much response on your question yet...
I hope you have a pretty good experienced printer operator in the library.
First of all... if you designed it yourself it's a super model!!!
But to complex to print I Guess, a lot of details will get lost in the process.
Might be good to download a slicer yourself, like Cura, and see before hand on the monitor wich details get lost.
And where you have to add some supports (to keep the hands up while printing)
Could save you a few hours of rented printertime.
If you have a 3d model i'd like to give it try for my own use ( won't sell it )
Would be a nice challenge to try my new PVA support material.
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