As insulted as I admittedly feel that THAT was the first response... Yes. I did slice it, though it did not matter whether I had sliced it or not. An unsliced model in preview would appear as a translucent grey version of itself.
No, when I say blank, I mean the entire render window was completely white. The render of the printing bed was gone. The grid was gone. The model was gone. Everything was gone, replaced by a white background of nothingness, where the only thing keeping my eyes company on the screen was the UI. Even using Ctrl + A to "select all" did not work, and I know that because if no model is selected, the tool panel on the left is greyed out. It stayed greyed out.
Until I can find a fix for this, or someone else has a fix, I have already reinstalled 4.3
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ahoeben 2,026
To get the obvious out of the way: did you slice the model? Lower right corner.
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