Or maybe your extruder is not build properly. It should be able to fight against around 10 pounds of force (around 5kg). So try moving the extruder and pulling back on the filament until it slips through the extruder. Then hold a 10 pound weight and compare (very rough is good enough). If the problem is your extruder it will slip at less than 1 pound.
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gr5 2,295
First of all you don't need a raft. That's a waste of time. Maybe you need it right now, lol.
Anyway your problem is you have massive underextrusion. You are extruding at about 50%. Which is about what is expected if you have 1.75mm filament and your slicer thinks you have 3mm filament (actually closer to 37%).
Try setting the flow to 265% on the printer and see if suddenly it is working great. If so then somehow you have the wrong filament diameter in Cura. The fix has something to do with materials settings but I forget how to do that. You have to create or find a material that has diameter 1.75 instead of 2.85mm.
I notice you set flow to 130%. That's crazy normally. If you have things set up properly you should never go over 110%. I always set the flow to 100%.
Alternatively maybe your printer doesn't have the steps/mm setup properly. You could move the filamnet 100mm and then measure to see how far the material moved (use a marker and ruler or something).
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